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Posts posted by Shawnus

  1. Hi


    Firstly, lets be clear, I am in no way a model employee. Frequently a little late (although I do make all this time up and then some) and not a stickler for keeping the best notes. But my question is about something else..


    About 3 months ago I lost my bag with my company laptop, then last week I was two days late back from holiday as I lost my passport (yes I misplace things sometimes and this year I have been exceptionally bad) and had to go to the embassy to get emergency travel documents. I kept work up to date on the progress and I came back to the office on Wednesday. Then I had a meeting and was told some colleagues had complained that my actions left them with more to do. I was expecting a warning or something.. now I have a meeting next week but I have been told that my actions are being investigated. But what got my goat was they said that me losing the laptop was gross misconduct and then could dismiss me for that. But that was in September, and I told them the day after I lost it. Can they really use that now as a reason to dismiss me?


    I'm on a contract, they could just give me a weeks notice under that.. fine..I accept this, but I don't want to be dismissed for gross misconduct if they are past any kind of time frame which allows them to charge me with that.


    Hope this makes sense.. Thanks for reading.

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