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Posts posted by daiv

  1. I have also had herniated disc problem for about 3 years. Probably less pain than you described, but it is quite frustrating anyway. Unfortunately, most GP don't take it seriously, or it looks like that. Painkillers don't work for me either. I would advise to find a good osteopath, or try pain management exercises. It works for me.










    Hi everyone,

    My OH has suffered from Sciatica for around 2 years unfortunately over the last 2 weeks the pain has become agonising for him. His GP referred him to physiotherapy who was treating him for a possible herniated disc in his lower back. My OH is not a 'moaner' but for the last 3 days he has been screaming in pain so much so i took him to the local A&E - he was given Morphine for the pain with no effect whatsoever. The doctor told us that they could do no more for him and that he should see his GP for a referral to a specialist - he also said that for a a more accurate diagnosis he really needed an MRI scan- he actually said that to get one my OH would be better off going private!

    Well after some badgering from me they admitted him to a ward for pain management. They ( in my opinion) are not taking his pain level seriously and there is no talk of having an MRI scan. Clearly i am not critisising the NHS - i am a nurse myself- but what i am wondering is what i have to do to get him taken seriously and for him to recieve the correct treatment.


    My question is what is the correct treatment for sciatica and a herniated disc and is surgery is not the option what pain relief will take his pain away?


    Sorry to go on but my OH is really at his wits end - and to add to his woes he has been made redundant!


    If anybody has any advice i would appreciate it.




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