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Posts posted by SusanYu

  1. I was fined 6points off my drivers liscence earlier this year as I forgot to renew my insurance in December as I has so much going on. Anyway I was suppose to pay a fine of £325, but did not get a letter for that. It then came to light several months later when I recieved a baliffs letter saying I owed £400.


    When I finally dug down to see what the £400 was for I contacted the London Collectuions & Compliance Centre, LCCC ( I was on hold for 45mins) to tell them the situation, they told me to contact the Wesminister Courts (again onhold for 45mins) to then in turn told me to contact the London Collectuions & Compliance Centre ( again I was on hold for 45mins). At this point I gave up as I am a student and had an assessment coming up that was important.


    So I rang the baliffs explaining the situation and said that I would pay the £400 (extra £75) even though it was not my fault and the baliffs told me they would put the fine on hold and I should call back the LCCC and tell them the situation as I should not need to pay the extra £75 if I did not receive the letter.


    I called the LCCC again to explain, they finally told me what to do, wrote notes down on my account explaining the situation and that all I had to do was write a letter in stating all that I had discussed with the LCCC and I would be able to pay the orginal £325 and would have a payment scheme where I could pay monthly as I am a student and my tutition fees are a total of £20k. So I did as requested.


    A few weeks letter I receieve a baliff letter of £600 and a letter stating that my appliaction cannot be dealt with by this office as the time available has expired and the account has been passed onto the baliffs to collect the £325 plus another £200 and I should sort all with the baliffs.


    So I made a call back to the LCCC explaining what had happened and for them to look at my notes and now they are saying they cannot make any promises, but they might be able to reduce the fine back to the original £325 plus the £75 for the baliffs.


    Meaning I still have to pay the fine, with extra £75 on top, even though it was not my fault. I would understand if I was drink driving, or did something that would endanger lives of people, but I forgot to renew my insurance as a lot was happening (my father having a heart attack included), of which I explained to the court and I still get this!?


    I really do not want to think that the council/goverment are just trying to make money as the economy is not in the greatest state right now, but this just leads me to believe it might me.


    Please can someone help as I am not sure what to do anymore.



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