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Posts posted by deliverydriver

  1. hi can any body help me? i went to look at a car to buy at lookers in braintree in essex the car was fine, then came a problem when the garage was giving it the once over they desided to change the altornater as it was rattleing so they say. they had put another one on and it came up with a fault code (power surge) they got another in as they thought this was a faulty one, they got me to sign the finance paperwork yesterday afternoon and i was due to collect today but they phoned me up this morning saying as they were giving it a last inspection the problem was still there. they said tht the manerfactor as told them as it was a pattern part this is the problem. now they saying the car won't be ready until next monday. i have lost all faith in this company, so as i havnt got this car yet can i withdrawal from this finance agreement with creditors even tho they have passed the money over to lookers? if any body can help me on this i be greetfull.. thank you

  2. Hi to everybody on here, i'm new and was given this site by a friend:-D


    i work for a local council and i drive a little road sweeper

    the one you mite have seen in london that sweep there pavements,


    back in september i was sweeping at a set of traffic lights where they had debris i.e glass smashed over the road,


    i swept this up while watching all around me i.e traffic plus the lights and as i came out of sweeper mode and pulled away


    i hadnt noticed the lights had changed to red :sad: now i got a a fixed penalty from work

    it showed that i passed the red light at 2.8 seconds. do i have a case to appeal on this?


    as i want but i'm worryed that i might get a bigger fine as at the moment

    i'm due to get 3 points and a £60 fine,

    otherwise if i go to court and lose the apeal the fine can go upto £1000.


    i been to a local police station and a police officer said that it was my own fault and the lights are there to be obeyed,

    its not the fine that bothers me its the points and how will this look to my car insurance?


    will it look like i was speeding?:???:

    which wasnt the fact if anybody can help me on this matter i be gratefull:D

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