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Posts posted by kateetak

  1. Hello. It's not the scray neighbour who own the car. Thats the guy who lives downstairs. The car owner lives across the road and seems like a reasonable quiet type. I've emailed Marstons to let them know it's not my car. they never reply to my emails. Do i have to tell my neighbour who owns the car the situation? I'd rather not discuss my personal business as it's quite embarrassing.


    Also, my LL never got back to me as promised!

  2. Fortunatley I'm in a HA property now and have it till I'm old and grey as long as i pay my rent!


    I don't care about not having credit for 6 years. Credit sucks! I'd rather save and buy and have what I need. The DRO feels cleansing.


    But yes your right, I shouldn't accept a CCJ that I knew nothing about. I'l pst back what I hear from my LL on monday.


    Marstons have listed a neighbours car on the list of my assets so if they do turn up on weds it should be rather entertaining seeing them deal with my neighbour. he's a bit scary!

  3. No it wasn't. My landlords are called Camelot property and you sign a licence agreement not a tenancy http://uk.cameloteurope.com/


    They were so badly organised hence them chasing me two years after I moved out.


    Shall I wait for my LL to contact me on monday as agreed by them in email or shall I go ahead and do the set aside and stay of execution asap?


    And what do you mean by this will have to be sent back to the courts? a ccj can't just be wiped out? I was under the impression this debt can be added to my DRO without any problem.

  4. I have not applied for a set aside or a stay of execution as my LL said that legal proceedings would stop.


    I'm waiting for my credit report to come back from Experian plus I'm trying to sort out £90. not easy when your trying to live off JSA.


    They've never been inside my property and they never will!


    I've been on email with my LL about the matter and they assured me that all legal proceedings would stop. Unfortunately that was said over the phone. I've asked that all further correspondence to be via email. I've only ever emailed Marstons and that was to say they need to leave me alone and contact my LL who I cc'd.

  5. Hello I have now received another two letters from Marstons. The one received today is to give me fair warning that removal contractors will be coming to my property in one week to seize and remove goods to satisfy the writ.


    Can they gain access to my property or can I ignore them?


    I'm in contact with my creditor regarding paying off the arrears.


    Any help is appreciated.



  6. No problem twelve o'clock. I hope you resolve your problems too.


    So back to the Marston's story. The plot thickens. Another letter arrived on Friday or Saturday claiming that a brief inventory has been prepared which they have kindly enclosed. There asking me to sign a walking possession agreement which of course I'm not going to. There still claiming the debt needs to be paid and it's now reached £2600! I've been in contact with my landlords/creditors to work out how much I owe them and they're claiming it's around £1000. They've also said they will stop any legal proceedings. What I was wondering was if it was ok for me to continue to ignore Marstons and deal directly with my landlord?


    I will this week begin putting into place a DRO which should take effect in a less than a month. So I'm not too concerned about Marston's but I'm slightly concerned about my neighbour's car they've added to their inventory! Shall I let this play out like the fiasco it is?

  7. Thanks for the reply. I've had no contact with Marstons or any courts regarding this. I did contact my ex landlord yesterday regarding the amount owed as I know they've been trying to get money out of other friends who lived with them. I'm waiting on a call back from them.


    Should i still go ahead with the set aside?


    Also, I'm seriously considering a DRO as i have credit card debts i've defaulted on and it seems to make sense as my finances are in such a mess and i can't afford any repayments. According to national debtline this debt will be included in with the others too.

  8. Thanks for the reply. I've had no contact with Marstons or any courts regarding this. I did contact my ex landlord yesterday regarding the amount owed as I know they've been trying to get money out of other friends who lived with them. I'm waiting on a call back from them.


    Should i still go ahead with the set aside?


    Also, I'm seriously considering a DRO as i have credit card debts i've defaulted on and it seems to make sense as my finances are in such a mess and i can't afford any repayments. According to national debtline this debt will be included in with the others too.

  9. Hello. not sure if the advice was directed to me or not. I've been on the phone to the national debtline and they've said that I could apply for a set aside which could potentially incur me more costs in fee's or apply for a stay of execution. I also advised them of my credit card debts and I'm seriously considering applying for a DRO which would also take into account these rent arrears.


    I'm not sure if it was a good idea or not but I phoned my old landlord and explained that the first I knew of the debt was the contact from Marstons yesterday! Ironically, i received an email from my landlord earlier today as it appears I'm still on their mailing list. There going to discuss it and get back to me tomorrow.

  10. Hello


    I returned home and found several pieces of wet paper left on the doorstep. The first being a rather threatening letter signed by Marston Group Limited, no actual name and the next two sheets were a notice of seizure.


    It appears that the debt is from a landlord who I've had no communication with since i moved out two years ago so I was unaware that I owed them any rent. Having spoken to some friends who lived with them they are now recouping rent they believe is owed to them. My rent was paid by Standing order (i have the statements) and when I missed a rent I called up to pay it over the phone. I have emails where i requested proof of payment but these were never sent to me. I also asked for my deposit back which was never returned to me so I assumed it covered any missing rent. They were so unorganised and slapdash but it seems there trying to get themselves running more efficiently now hence the visit from marstons.


    I have had no correspondence regarding any outstanding rent arrears from my landlord even though they have my email and phone number and still have me on their mailing list. They have not tried to contact me once. The only contact has been from marstons yesterday.


    The letter says that if I don't contact the office immediately that they will return with a locksmith and force entry to the premises.


    They've also added on nearly £900 in officers fee's. The rent they claim I owe is for £1400.


    I'm currently on JSA and HB. I don't own a car or property or anything of real value.


    Many thanks in advance for any advice and help.

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