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Posts posted by pumpkin12

  1. Hi Firstly a big THANK YOU to all who have responded. I have never made any payment regarding this. I have made a credit check and there is no reference to it at all. I will do as advised and email them immediately. Capquest hounded me constantly until I discovered CAG and was able to get help with letters then the phone calls stopped. I just hope that they don't begin again. Thank you again.

  2. In the middle part of last year I had dealings with CAPQUEST over an alleged catalogue debt going back over 9 years. I didn't recall ever owing this money, so on advice from CAG I sent all of the relevant letters and postal order requesting proof of the alleged debt. I received nothing at all, in the end I sent the final letter to them in December 2010. Still nothing until this morning, when a letter from 'Lowell Financial' turned up, saying that I had been informed recently that my catalogue account had been sold to Lowell Portfolio...I have been informed of no such thing, and can only assume that CAPQUEST have sold it on despite providing me with no proof whatsoever. Can they do this? I am sure that the final letter I sent stated that they could not sell the debt on. What should my next step be? I assume that had there been any proof CAPQUEST would have provided it in the first instance.


    All help appreciated


    Thank you

  3. Hello everyone. I am new to the site and am hoping that someone can give me some advice please. Back in June I had a letter from HFO Servises saying that I owed £2,000 to Barclaycard. This came totally out of the blue. I immediately wrote back stating that I had never been a Barclays customer and had certainly never had a Barclaycard. They wrote to me again informing me that they had my name and date of birth as proof. I again wrote back stating that this was nothing to do with me. To cut a long story short I have still received nasty threatening letters from this company, the last one being around 6 weeks ago. In the mean time I have spoken to Barclays and they have confirmed that they hold no records of me on their system at all. ( I double checked as I feared I was going mad and needed complete reassurance). I have reported this to the Consumer Credit Agency and I have also called the National Debt Helpline. The very nice guy there informed me that as this alleged debt goes back to 2004, the chances are it would be statute barred by now. I am worried sick that another letter will drop through the door any day now. Please can someone help me. Thank you.

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