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Posts posted by stephenweslo

  1. so if i refuse to stay on what action can i take if i am to be disciplined,i frequently do double shifts 07.30 to 22.00 and would then have to stay until 07.30 the following morning if night shift is a no show,an example is 2 years ago when we has a bad winter up here i started work at 07.30 then had to do a back shift then a night shift then an early shift a 31.5 hour shift,people said they couldnt get to work because of the snow which is fair enough,but i got to work.



  2. hello need some help here about contacts forced overtime and working hours regulations.


    I am contracted to 37.5 hours per week working any 5 days from 7,however i work between 48 and 55 hours per week,i am never asked if i can do overtime just told i have to do it.


    Have now been informed if someone doesnt show up for a shift then i have to stay and cover it,so if i do a night shift 21.45 to 0745 and early shift doesnt show then i have to stay until 15.00 and still come in for my next night shift that same night,been informed if i dont then i will be disciplined,is this allowed?


    Also are there any laws that say there has to be so many hours off between shifts?I work in a care home and all we hear now is duty of care to residents,im walking about exhausted does my company have a duty of care to its employees?


    Thanks in advance for any help.



  3. hi,been reading this with a great deal of interest,same thing happened to me,so the bailiffs done there thing,wages were arrested and here is the clincher,the amount being taken from my my wages is less a lot less than my monthly ct bill,there are strict rules on wages arrestment,im not suggesting you go down this route,just sharing my own experience.

  4. re the above ive been getting the same snail mail asking to confirm name and address etc,i just e-mail saying you wrote to me so you have them already,they e-mail back saying they need these details to confirm my id, just keep sending the same e-mail back,however they now have a vast collection of my local take aways menus,yeah i do stuff there prepaid envelopes with them,childish i know but it makes me feel good.


    peace to you all

  5. hi everyone,time for an update,so far all has been quiet although i am being hounded by a company called credit resource solutions,they wont say who there client is despite me asking by e-mail several times,in the end i admit i used foul language on last e-mail to them,im waiting on things to escalate but stiil keeping to my offers of a fiver a month to each pdl company,apologies to all who have replied before the reason i havent been on is due to family stuff which had to take priority.


    take care all


    stephen w

  6. hi and thanks,ive been reading lots of threads on here and my eyes have been opened to the nasty tactics these people use,im trying to be positive about the whole sorry mess im in,i can only afford to pay what ive offered them.so if it means debt collectors become involved then so be it,but some of the threads on here say that they can be easier to deal with,i guess il find out soon enough




  7. a wee update,wonga have been great they froze interest and charges for 31 days to see if i can get back on track then they will discuss my proposals,e-mail ping pong with quik quid i ask fr there bank details to set up standing order they ask for mine to set up direct debit,i wont budge on this so dont know whats going to happen,keep getting calls at work bit thankfully my work have been ok,even threatning to report whoever is calling to the proper authoroties if they dont stop calling.

    not been to bad so far,but i havent heard a peep from txt loan or lending stream yet,i suspect its capitol finance phoning work even tho they dont say who they are,swift sterling have been rather quiet to


    enjoy advent everyone



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