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Posts posted by ahill

  1. Going back over the years I can't find a change to a loan - I haven't actually used this account in a few years but it originally started as a revolving loan facility account in the 1980's when First Direct first appeared. There is no reference on the paperwork to a loan, just an account - but this is still of the revolving credit facility type.


    It could be entertaining if a local collection agency come to call - I have a very lovable dog - a mastiff crossed with something nasty that can be quite intimidating at the car door to the uninvited!

  2. I live in New Zealand but for some years maintained a legacy UK bank account/ loan facility in the UK with First Direct just in case. Around three years ago I used 9,000 GBP in an emergency (handling my brother's accidental death in South Africa).


    I then paid some off each month with the interest clicking up. 18 months ago FD decided that it didn't like me having the facility and I happily converted it into a loan account and paid 250 GBP each month but had to do this through a currency transaction manually every month with the associated costs.


    I missed a payment and immediately started getting hassling phone calls and threatening letters - so I decided that I would wait and see what happens because FD are a UK bank and I have no need of a good credit rating there as I have no intention of ever returning to live in the UK.


    I have now received a letter from Metropolitan that states 'Failure to contact us could result in your account being referred to debt collection agent in the country in which you now reside who may call on you to collect payment'.


    Should I be worried about this? The outstanding debt is 6160 GBP. At the moment I have no intention of contacting MCS or talking with them on the telephone but are they a. entitled to chase the debt here in New Zealand and b. likely to chase the debt in New Zealand

  3. Many thanks for the advice. They must have it recorded that I live in NZ as they have called me on my NZ telephone number before now. The disclosure notice should tell all but in the mean time I'll get on with following your advice.



    Hi, if it's any help, I have 'been there and done that', so hopefully can give some reasonable advice.


    It is very important that the creditor understands and records the fact that you are in New Zealand.

    They may tell you that they will only accept a UK address, but this is simply to make their job easier and increase the chance of getting a CCJ against you.


    Start with the actual company you owe the money to, and send them a letter, recorded, registered whatever you wish and tell them where you are.


    I would go to the nearest Post Shop in NZ and pay for a PO Box for 12 months. Give them this address and do not take no for an answer. Make sure they make a note of it.


    If you have any old credit card bills with the change of address form on the back, find as many as you can, fill them in with your new address in NZ and post them one periodically.


    Ignore any debt collection agency letters, as you will find once the creditor has your correct address in NZ, it filters down the food chain and the DCA will drop it like the proverbial hot potato once they know where you are. They are completely toothless anyway as you are no longer in the UK, so unless you fancy a bit of DCA baiting (which I particularly enjoy myself) don't bother with them.


    Do not under any circumstances reply to phone calls, letters or discuss the debt on the phone with them.

    You indicate that you are happy to speak to Egg. Why??!!:mad2:

    Tell them where you are, and leave it at that....seriously.


    Every time you discuss the debt in any form, they will record it, and the statute clock starts again.


    I too had problems with creditors ringing, writing and turning up at my parents address. Doing the above took a week or two to filter through, but three years later, I have had no bother and my parents have had none either.


    In my view this is very easy to resolve, and all it takes is a bit of nerve and all will be good in the end.


    Best of luck,



  4. I have been trying in vain to deal with EGG collections department for some months (offered them monthly payments) but despite trying they have obviously handed the debt to Credit Solutions Ltd who have now started their phone campaign on my mother at her address. I repeatedly told EGG that I a have lived in NZ for nearly 10 years but they always needed a UK address - so I stuck with hers over the years.


    I am still happy to deal with EGG but will not have these sleaze bags hassling an old lady. Any ideas on the fastest way of stopping them? I know there is zero chance of them coming to NZ for the debt and I will be serving both EGG and CSL with a SAR as well as notifying the Information Commissioners Office as the sending of automated phone calls without human intervention is against The Privacy and Electronic Communications Act 2003. I have also instructed her to call 999 and say she is being assaulted if they come to the door.


    Any other suggestions?

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