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Posts posted by tidmeister

  1. Please help, we took out a payday loan with Payday UK a couple of months ago. We deferred payment via text message the first month paying a £50 fee for the pleasure. However no text message or contact was received for the next month. We then had no choice but to default the payment as there was no option to defer although we're supposed to be able to for 6 months.

    When applying for the loan it was agreed that payments would be made on the 25th of each month, that was the agreement nothing more.

    So why is it that after we defaulted the payment they attempted to take money every day following? We agreed the 25th of each month but on the 9th and 10th of this month they took £164 over 4 payments! They now say that there's no refunds and they're within they're right, and that they will continue to attempt to take the remaining £85 each day until the money is there for them!

    Surely this is theft? They have taken an unauthorized amount on an unauthorized date with no warning or attempted communication whatsoever.

    Please help

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