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Posts posted by MarySpencer

  1. I would say being nervous is normal.



    Heck yes...the whole process of any of these things is scary.

    Maybe they should try being the other side of the desk.


    One of my advisor's admitted to me, that she thought it was far more stressful for those looking for work, than those the other side of the desk, and I know they do not always have it easy.



  2. But dare I say not by much. You aren't related to these people, you don't live with them on a day to day basis and so how on earth are you in full position of the facts?


    How do you know that........you are just surmising, which is what you have accused me off.

    I do know some of them (very well in fact) so should I be a real nasty person and report them......no because there are children involved.


    So, I am not judging anyone, but some of you on here have judged me!


    Maybe some of you should take your own advice.



  3. What proof do you have that there are many on DLA who shouldn't be? And no, just because someone can walk, doesn't mean they're not entitled to DLA. You have done what Mary has - neither of you have any proof that people are claiming benefits when they shouldn't be and you are both stereotyping.


    No, I am not - to accuse me of that, you need to see the people I am talking about.


    I am not stupid, I know nothing is as black and white as it is painted - but these are not just people I see in the JSA office, but out and about, so maybe I am in a slightly better place to judge them, then you are me.


    Sure, they make up a small fraction of the people who claim benefits, all I ask is, that every one gets treated the same - and they do not.



  4. Sorry, but that is pure speculation on your part. You don't live with these people so how do you know whats going on there? This type of accusation is something it seems this government absolutely adores as it then induces benefit claimants to tear into people in similar situations as themselves and gets others to do their dirty work for them.


    OK, so I am secretly working for the Government - or could it just be I am sick of seeing the wrong people get help - noting dirty about that.



    You have your views, and I have mine.



  5. If you don't mind me saying so isn't that what you appear to have done with the above comment? See how easy it is to make assumptions about other peoples situations when you can't possibly know what's going on there. It's thats the kind of thing and more that the current government are hoping for, because by division they conquer.


    The government have invested a huge amount on spin doctoring, and by the looks of it It's working.




    Exactly. Can I suggest that people do what I did and email the BBC reregistering a complaint? If nothing else the statistics in their latest 'con job' are wrong and incredibly misleading.



    No, I do not think I have jumped to assumptions.


    When I see young girls 19 or slightly older with as I stated above, then yes I do ask myself how can they afford all those trappings.

    People are saying on here they cannot afford to eat or keep warm - let alone £300 phones..


    As for emailing the BBC, is that going to pay my electric bill this quarter.

    I am sorry, but if I cannot write the truth, then you are basically doing a BBC - I see these people, I am not in the habit of making it up.

    Of course they could all have rich partners at home, but if that was the case they would not be entitled to handouts would they?



  6. I do nothing wrong, and yet claiming JSA has helped contribute to my illness stress and blood pressure.

    I fill in my forms, all job searches, attend every interviews, always polite, never late - and yet I feel physically sick every time I enter that office.

    I have NO idea how these people cheat the system, and get away with it.


    I see people signing on who are drunk, stand in the office swearing, have not filled in their job search, and yet nothing is ever said.


    I cannot get any extra money because I have no family, and yet I see people trailing 5 or more kids in, does anyone ever check all those children are theirs. There they stand, top of the range mobile phone, kids all decked out in the latest...

    My only crime is my age, and my state of Health.


    I have NO problems with the Gov cracking down on those who abuse the system, but please do not tar us all with the same brush, and at least give us something so we can exist - and not be made to feel like a 'burden' and write off as far as society is concerned.



  7. Hang on in there - we'll support you.


    You need to keep chasing the DWP about the MIR - don't let up.


    Yes, they said they lost my first form, and then even said they had NOT received the second one (which surprise, surprise they eventually found).

    My building society also told me to keep an eye on my payments as they are sometimes apt to forget to make the payment..



  8. That's one of the good things about these forums Mary, you are communicting with people who are (or have been) in the same situation and are able to relate to how you are feeling. No-one judges, everyone has had their troubles and with help and support from CAG, they have come through.


    I think everyone who has this kind of worry will agree, it is so debilitating - but as the saying goes - it's good to talk, and you'll always find someone here who kows what you're going through.


    Stay positive Hevvanoz, we'll get you through this :) Have a look through the Repossession Successes forum, http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?327-Home-Repossessions-successes that will show you that you can win !



    It is good when we find places like this, but how sad for the people who are not able to.


    Rooting for you Heather - you have got good support on your side.



  9. They time them to arrive over the weekend.........just to cause the effect you write about.


    Its that horrible feeling of complete isolation that gets to you the most.

    Like you I live alone, and I have several (long distance) friends likewise...and we all say the same, if you had someone close to share it with, (no it does not take the problem away), but it gives you an outlet rather than sitting thinking about it all by yourself.


    Try and keep strong, and put together what you want to say on Monday.

    Are you able to sleep, I was lucky the mental strain zonked me, so I could sleep through some of the long lonely worrying days.

    People have NO idea do they, when they live in their nice comfy little World, what the other side of the coin is really like.

    Heavens they should have to find out, because it is not pleasant, but some compassion and understanding goes a long long way.


    Best Wishes


  10. I was having to deal with a loan, and sending out letters of what was happening to me, (all recorded delivery) the loan company seemed to be ignoring them and I was still getting letters from them, saying they were going to take me to court etc etc....which when you are stressed and upset brings you down even more.


    I was getting help from a recognised organisation, and they told me to try not to worry, as often these letters are just in the system and generated automatically as and when they think you should have made a payment or something.


    So, I rang said company for the umpteenth time, explained, sent all my previous letters again (always keep copies, and dates) and your recorded receipt (all this works in favour for you) if you should need to explain anything.


    Anyway, the debt was transferred over to a debt collection agency, and a token payment was agreed.


    I know it is different with your mortgage, but what I am trying to say is, the letter you got does not mean the end.

    Remember these companies are dealing with lots of people in the same boat, so letters go answered for weeks in some cases.


    Ring them first thing on Monday, offer to email or fax them a copy of that letter.


    Stay positive.


    Lots of Luck


  11. Do you have any friends who could try and raise the funds for you.

    Selling things on Ebay, car boot...sponsor ship for something.


    Contact your local paper, and ask them what you have posted here - to some people £300 is not a lot, one good kind person is all you need, and they may also get tax relief on it, if a business owner.


    Good Luck



  12. Come the end of this month the reduced travel for OAP is being scrapped, so whereas they could enjoy a day away for half price this is being denied them.


    Many bus companies say they rely on this in the winter months to keep them a float.


    So even if you have worked all your life paid your dues, come retirement there is nothing down for you.


    I agree with the poster who said this lot are worse than Maggie.

    Look after number 1 and to h*ll with those who are not self sufficient and wealthy.



  13. Maybe if people got paid a decent wage, instead of the pittance that the minimum wage is, they would not have to have lived on borrowed credit.


    The Country was more than happy to throw money at people - just as the banks and leading companies were happy to pay massive bonuses to already over paid staff.


    I mean why just have 1 house, when you can own 3 or 4, why take 1 holiday, have several.


    How easy it is to blame the lowly paid worker for the mess we are in, because they cannot answer back can they.



  14. Hi


    I have just sent off my sick note which will in turn kick off ESA I presume, and then eventually the dreaded medical.

    What happens next win or lose?


    I am thinking ahead here, but say I felt able to work part time (as I would like to work) if someone would employ me:-) would I lose all benefit help, ie help with the interest on my mortgage.

    Is there any flexibility within the system that allows for this - or is it a case, of once you are working you are meant to get on with it...as part time work would not even pay rent, if I sold and rented - even full time I would struggle.




  15. Thanks for telling me that,very spookily sounds like me..my adored mam died,went off the rails big time.my partner left not long after taking the proceeds of our remortgage.Mortgage company refused to take his name off as I wasnt officially earning enough to pay it(even though I did pay it) I feel same as you did I think, not my home aswell it means so much doesnt it?..

    After some years of hard jobs that I hated to be honest,started self employment.lasted 3years.working all hours,not that I minded. Made me ill,got took hospital with internal bleeding.Lost a stone in a week and now just been made bankrupt by the wonderful pub company that thought I was the best thing since sliced bread 3 years ago.Isnt it amazing,like you say,the reserves that you find? Feel like I understand how you felt because I feel the same.

    best wishes to you Mary...




    Hi Heather


    Its the pits at times, and I have cried to much you think you cannot have any more tears left.

    All I know is, you have got to hang on it, because the alternative is - not a place I ever want to go if I have any say in the matter.

    When I see young layabouts outside the job centre, and they ignore all the things we are meant to do, I think 'well if you can let them get away with it', I am going to fight for what I am entitled to.


    I tried working for myself, that did not work, so that is when I went to claim JSA.

    My ex went off the rails - bi polar - which was one big learning curve.


    A good friend (who sadly does not live near me) told me to go with my body, on the days I felt so bad, she said 'don't fight it', rest and build up your strength/energy, then come back at them, when you are feeling more confident and well. It was brilliant advise, and I try to do that, if at all possible - cause it sure does zap you mentally and physically.


    You do get stronger, honest. You might think you are only treading water, but every little step in the right direction is a success.

    When in real despair, I used to retreat to bed, mug of tea, TV on (that is something I have to have on in the bedroom) or else my mind is everywhere...I watched all the Sex in the City DVDs so many times I could recite them...


    Hang on, cry when you want to, I still blubber, but don't let anyone grind you down.


    My next battle is this ESA thing, scary - but I am not well, so we will go with the procedure, and see what happens.

    Since posting on here, I have read loads of stuff, and will keep refreshing as I go along the path depending on what they sling at me.


    Hang on in - you can do it.



  16. Can I just say, hang on in.


    I was in a mess, husband of 27 years left me, my Mum died, basically my World fell apart, all I had was the house - to have lost that, would have finished me off.

    I did get help with my mortgage, they lost the form the first time round, (never goes easy, does it) although I was not in arrears, but I was fighting high blood pressure, depression and heart problems caused by all the stress.


    Sometimes you think you cannot take any more, then you find some reserve from somewhere, and live to fight another day.

    I am all alone, accept my animals, they make me get up in the mornings, and I fight for them.


    Thinking of you, as I know how lonely and scary it all can be.


    Good Luck with it all.



  17. Thank you everyone, I have spent some time on here, reading about other peoples cases, and I think I know what to expect, (or what to be prepared for) as far as anyone can.


    I am not a scrounger this is only me second time in 25 years of claiming JSA, and I get interest help with my mortgage.

    I am sort of lost and feeling very vulnerable, so all the help and comments is very much appreciated.



  18. Hi


    I went to the Docs this morning, and they have given me a sick note, my blood pressure is up, they are also making an appointment for me with the cardiology unit.


    I have no idea what I do next - other than send in the sick note, and wait.

    If someone could please advise me, or point me in the right direction to any threads on here, that would be great


    Feeling very worried, that they might stop my money even thinking about not sending the sick note in, and just keep claiming JSA, as I am so worried how they treat people who are ill.



  19. Can anyone please guide me.


    I am 55 years old and claiming JSA and help with my mortgage.

    I am going to the doctors on Friday (and if they sign me off, this is my second time) in 10 months.


    Because I suffer from high blood pressure, depression and heart problems, I have come to realise there is no way at the moment I can physically let alone mentally hold down a job.

    If I was offered a job, I could not fulfil it, so would have to leave, and then all my money would stop, also I cannot see anyone offering me a job with my health being as it is at the moment.


    Of course it depends on what my GP says and does, but if she does give me a sick note, what happens next (I am on medication for the above, by the way).


    Even though I know I am not fit to work, I have been signing on, because of the help with my mortgage, but I realise I cannot keep doing this, will I still get help with this if unfit to work.


    I live alone, and have no dependants.


    The JC know about my high blood pressure, but I have not divulged the other things, as I feel a failure and hate admitting to them, especially the depression, as I know they think people use this, as a cop out.






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