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Posts posted by kyler66

  1. i think the whole habitual residency test for british people is disgusting. we get penalised for doing ht our mp's told us to do, "get on our bikes and find a job" we did come back and get penalised for it.

    i really dont care whats politically correct anymore, why are british citizenz being treated like foriegners in our country, the teats was devised to stop foreigners who had never done a days work intheir life in this country and therefoe never paid anythinginto the system, to stop them coming here and taking advantage of it.

    i worked here for 14 years from leaving school. i was born here, my parents were and my grandparents were. when i lost my job , due to lay offs in 98 i tried for work for nearly a year. so after a year i got offered a position abroad. i took it. for 12 years i worked in diferent countires around the world had a great time, telling everyone how great england was, how the government really looks after us here. misguided is what i call it now.i stopped work 2 months ago after the company i was working for in spain closed down. so i spent 2 months looking for work couldnt find any, so i made a decision along with my girlfriend that i would go back to england and then arrange to bring her and our 3 kids here as the education system would be better for them. now trust me on this, despite what you may think, we do have a great education system here compared to most countries i've travelled to.

    upon arriving here, i found an apartment, opened a bank account, registered with a doctor. then made a claim for job seekers alowance til i could find a job.

    now one thing i had noticed when i got back here, is its changed alot in 12 years, my friends here were laughing at me as i was like a "foriegner" , didnt know how it worked here anymore. and so many people speaking polish? when did this happen?

    2 weeks after making my claim i get advised i'm not allowed any benefits as i failed the "habitual residency test"? I'M F(^$""G BRITISH! how can i fail a residency test in my own country? i'm not a foreigner here, i was born here, grew up here, was educated here, worked here, i even lost my virginity here.

    basically i'm sorry, its a sad state of affairs when you are treated as a foriegner in your own country especially when you see all these eastern block scroungers in the job centre getting the benfits that you paid into , you parents paidf into but you're not allowed it, cause you left the country to work for a period of time so that you wouldnt be a BURDEN ON THE BRITISH SYSTEM AND TAX PAYER!

    this test should be banned for british nationals and citizens and tightened up for those that werent born here or never paid anything into the system or have no britsh parents , in other words a right to live here. cause one thing i do know about living abroad i other countries is if you havent paiud anything into their system, you get nothing

    so if any of you can justfy why a brit should be treated like this the i need to hear it cause it really peeths me

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