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Posts posted by AnnaR.

  1. I have 2 credit cards, both with Capital One, (£1.500 and £500), which I had been paying my due fees to every month, until recently, as I moved out of the UK to my original EU country.


    For the first couple of months I still continued to pay however things are not going well here and I've found myself with no money to pay the monthly fees. So I started paying £5 each month per card.


    I want to continue doing so, as I think that would not make things worse for me if at least they see I want to continue paying even if it's just a small amount. I don't know if that makes any difference, but I hope it does, because right now that's what I can afford.


    The problem I have is right before I left, almost six months ago, I closed both my bank accounts in the UK, as I thought it would be better to not have any open accounts.


    I continued paying the £5 using a debit card from an online bank I opened when I moved here, a bank which is based in Germany. I had no problems paying, I always did it oline via their Capital One online form.


    Unfortunately after a few months the online bank emailed me saying I neded to let them know whether I'm a resident in two countries or not, as they'd noticed I was making regular payments to somewhere in the UK.


    I got a bit scared by this so I decided not to reply and to just never use the account or card again.


    For the past couple of months I've been searching for a way to pay with another card, I've purchased a couple of prepaid debit cards which have been rejected by CapOne when attempting to pay online. I suspect it's the fact that, when asked for the address and postcode of the card, I put my old UK info and of course that doesn't match with the Spanish address I had to give to be able to register the prepaid debit card. But when I used to pay with the online bank debit card I also put the UK address and the payments went through anyway?


    So my question would be, if I put my spanish address in the Cap.One online payment page, would they be able to see that I'm paying with a card with a spanish billing address?


    I'm trying to avoid them knowing I moved out of the UK because I don't want them to know where I live now and have them harassing me here. They're already making phone calls to my UK mobile phone several times a day, sending multiple emails, and I suppose many letters may have arrived at my former UK address.



  2. Thank you for your new replies Beatrice Bee. I have been very sick and completely unable to be on the computer for a few days. To my surprise today I have received a job offer to work only three days a week, which is something I think I could at least try to manage, with a long term contract and just within the Minimum Earning Threshold. However I have been told the contract itself would be of 8 hours per week, even though I would actually be working 24. I am not sure what to do and wanted to receive some advice, because I am thinking if the contract is for 8 hours but in my payslip it will state I have worked 24, then would the payslips be enough proof that I am working within the Minimum Earnign Threshold and therefore retaining Worker status, or do I need for the contract to be 24 hours as well?


    Thanks in advance for any replies.

  3. Thanks for your very informative three posts Beatrice Bee, they are truly very much appreciated.


    Yes, I can see now I should have stayed on jsa. However, without going into details the reason my gp signed me off was I became genuinely ill and was unable to leave bed and function for most of the week, because I couldn't physically move. I was unfortunately completely uninformed and unaware of the new law starting today, but the truth is, even if I had been aware, I wouldn't have been able to do a jsa rapid reclaim before now since I was very ill and would most likely have had to miss appointments, not to mention the incapability to look for work as required when being a jobseeker. Now, for the past two weeks and after new treatment received at hospital thankfully I began to feel well enough on most days to do some jobsearch, and applied for a few part-time jobs, with a view to either finding part-time work and go off esa immediately, or to go back to jsa and continue to jobsearch.


    I suppose my best option now is to continue doing my best at recovering and jobsearching for part-time jobs and hope to start work asap. As you say a rapid reclaim for jsa would leave me homeless, and at the very least I want to keep having a home. You say "Stay in the borough to keep your HB.", do you know if a change in rent amount to pay is something that might be a problem to keep my HB, as my landlord wants to slightly increase my rent from next month, and I will have to sign a new contract? I am also not sure at all about my status right now with regards to my HB, it's not clear to me, as in February I got a new award for HB based on my change of circumstance (esa claim).


    I'd like to ask you, based on the new law do you think if I find work now, which hopefully I will, will I continue to receive HB or will I stop receiving it and have to wait three months to receive it again (after working and meeting the Minimum Earnings Threshold?


    And what would be the case for a friend who is also an eea national in receipt of jsa and hb, if he he finds work soon, will his HB be stopped as well until he works for three months?

    Many thanks in advance.

  4. I'll explain the situation and maybe someone can give me some advice. I was on jsa until the end of January (I had been on jsa for two years, and I was on the work programme as well). At the end of January I applied for esa, and I am now still waiting for a decision maker to decide on my habitual residence test. I haven't received any money yet, as I have not been awarded esa because of the habitual residence test which I'm told can take as much time as needed. My housing benefit has continued to be paid because I informed my local council when I switched to esa, and so far I have continued to receive payments.


    For these two months I have been looking for a part-time job without success so far, and living off my savings. Today I went to the CAB who told me there's this new law which starts tomorrow 1st of April, which says if I go back to claiming jsa now I won't be receiving any housing benefit payments for the first three months.


    I asked her about making a rapid reclaim, but she told me even though my rapid reclaim is still within the 26 week period, the fact that I stopped the jsa claim in order to claim esa may be a problem for the jsa rapid reclaim to go through, and be treated as a new claim. She says I can do a jsa rapid reclaim only if the reason why I signed off was because I found work.


    She told me the best course of action would be to stay waiting for the esa habitual residency test outcome (even though she told me I'm very unlikely to pass the test), because at least I'm still having my housing benefit payments, and get a part-time job asap.


    I think that's a good option however I have been to several interviews and have had no success so far. Which doesn't mean I won't be successful tomorrow. But I am in doubt about the rapid reclaim. I am in doubt about whether maybe I should make a quick decision today and apply for a rapid reclaim since the new law doesn't start until tomorrow april 1st, would it make any difference?


    Would my rapid reclaim be accepted even if I signed off to claim esa, and not be affected by the new law regarding housing benefit-eea nationals? If my rapid reclaim were accepted then, would my housing benefit be affected by this new law?


    Any help is very welcome and appreciated.

  5. I have searched for this but have not found anything in the forum, I hope someone can help.


    While on jobseekers allowance I have had to move from one borough to another. I went to do my first interview and signing on date last week at my new jobcentre.


    Everything seemed to be in order, but the thing is I have waited more than a week and my JSA payment has not arrived yet. I am wondering if maybe the transfer of the claim has prompted what looks like a delay in my payment?


    Should I call my jobcentre or the phone number in Glasgow? Or should I wait some more?


    I would appreciate any feedback, thanks.

  6. I live in a shared house, in a room. About three weeks ago some rather large water stains began to appear on the ceiling of my room. I sent a message about this to my landlord, who came over to see them after three days. She took photos and measured them but did not say what or wherther she was going to do something about this. More and more stains have appeared since, I have told her but she hasn't even bothered to reply to me.


    Knowing her I am thinking if I should put this in writing and send it to her, (although I don't know her address, but I guess I could send the letter to my address, as she receives some mail -utility bills and such- event though she doesn't live here). I am looking to move out as the relationship with her and some other flatmates has become sour, and she knows I want to leave. So I am kind of worried that if I don't somehow put this complaint about the water stains in writing she may have an excuse to not pay me my deposit back when I leave?


    I am also concerned that the water stains are really getting big and what if I can't find a new place soon, is there anything I can do about not having to live under these conditions? Basically I would like to know what are my rights as a tenant in this situation.


    I hope someone can help, thanks a lot.

  7. Hi, thanks for the reply. I do have savings that I declared when I applied for JSA. My personal circumstances have not changed, I am not living with a partner or anything. I did go through the forum and saw several posts of other people getting this type of letter, but they all seem to be about some job application or job interview that they supposedly did not attend. Mine seems to be of a different subject, as I am being asked for passport, tenancy agreement, bank statements and utility bills. As if there was some kind of doubt about my identity?


    I have seen my job adviser and she has not given importance to the letter to be honest, I don't know whether she was just being diplomatic or maybe she was being sincere when she told me not to worry about it, and to make sure that I bring my job log with me. She also said something about having to go there every week for six weeks, but I'm not sure as she mentioned very quick at the end of the appointment. Would that be possible? I just finished my 13 week review where I have had to attend for 6 weeks straight, why would they make me go again every week, I wonder.


    I also wonder, if that was the case, can I ask to have travel expenses paid for the extra days I have to go sign on? I didn't ask about it the first time, but I have to take two buses to go and 2 more to get home.


    Well, thanks a lot in advance if you have any info.

  8. Hello there. I'm sorry you haven't had any replies yet, but I expect people in the know will be along later.


    This could well be something routine, so I wouldn't worry if you've been following the rules. I hope someone will be able to give you some more information.


    My best, HB



    Thanks honeybee13, I hope someone can let me know something, I have the interview on Thursday this week.


    I 've been following the rules as far as I know, I do hope it is just something routine as you say, again thanks.

  9. I have received a letter from my jobcentre (I have been looking for work and on JSA for 5 months now), where I am being invited to an office interview. It says in the letter "We need to see you in order to discuss the benefit we are currently paying you because a query has arisen on your claim. We need to ensure your payments are correct and it is essential that you attend this interview to discuss the matter.


    You should note that where there is doubt about whether the conditions for entitlement are met, we can suspend payment of your benefit."


    I am being asked to bring my passport, utility bill, rent agreement, a bank statement and my ES4 looking for work book.


    I wonder what this might be. I have been looking for work, always attending my appointments, and I would like to know if this has happened to someone else or what can all this be about?


    Thanks, any help will be appreciated.

  10. It depends on your adviser, they can actually ask you to attend as frequently as needed depending on how much support you need.



    Ok, so there are no fixed rules about this I assume. How do they evaluate whether someone needs more or less support?

    Also, does this review consist of what max99 said, just one meeting, no change in job search, etc? Thanks.

  11. That's a relief for me because to be honest I find it very stressful to have to go to the jobcentre. I know it may sound silly, but I get very nervous and can barely sleep the night before! So I really had a hard six weeks when I knew I had to be there every Tuesday. I'd rather be working anywhere and I hope I will not have to be doing this 6 month review at all and have already signed off.

    Thanks again.

  12. Hi, thanks for the reply, that's very helpful. So it's just going to be one meeting then, no having to sign on every week once more?

    Will I still continue signing on every fortnight as usual? (Sorry but that is something important for me and I'd really like to know)

  13. Hello,


    I have been searching on this forum but I have not found anything on this, I hope someone can help.

    I am on Jobseekers' Allowance for the first time ever, and I recently went through the 13 week review process. This basically consisted of me having to sign on every week for six weeks, with a different job advisor than the usual one.


    Now that I'm done with this, I have found out there is a 6 month review as well, which, unless I find a job first, I'll have to do.


    I am wondering if this will mean I will have to sign on every week for another 6 weeks again, could somebody let me know how this works?


    My advisor told me, on the last day of my 6 week weekly appointments, that on this new review I'd have my jobseekers' agreement reviewed, but I couldn't get any more details on what's really going to happen. Any further information would be appreciated too.



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