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Posts posted by sarahdurrand

  1. Can someone please explain what this clause means for my friend in future. I thought it was only that she would not bad mouth people or employer over her previous employment and events covered in compromise agreement. Not events that have not yet happened.


    Sometimes an agreement will contain a non-derogatory statements clause which

    basically prevents you from bad-mouthing the employer or people who work or have worked for the employer.


    What happens if they get new job in shop and she is a customer and wants to make a complaint against them becuase they were rude to her or did not do their job in new role , or she witness employer or people robbing a shop and gives a statement to police would she be prevented from doing so because of her agreement?


    she has been offered job as PCSO and is worried if she comes across people she used to work with and has to report or fine them that they will use this clause against her.


    Many thanks :???:

  2. This may have changed but back in 2003 I got fired for alleged gross misconduct (in my case, posting pictures of my graphic design work online, but I was working for an outsourced department within an investment bank so you couldn't expect any less). As I was a homeowner and in those days the benefit rate was just £52/week and there was a 9 month wait before you could get any help with mortgage interest, I wasn't desperate to sign on, however, I made a claim on my mortgage insurance and the insurers sent me a form which I had to return with a stamp from the Job Centre, so I went to make a claim for UB. My unemployment claim was approved with no fuss and I started getting my benefits, however, the insurers turned down my claim as they were told I'd got dismissed for gross misconduct. I was putting together an ET case but they wanted to see the transcripts! The point is, I had no problems claiming benefits as gross misconduct is open to interpretation and can easily be disputed


    Claiming benefits I agree you should not have a problem even if you are sactioned there is emergency benefit you can claim during the saction time.

  3. unions at work are a waste of time as they are employed by your employer they will go through the motions but in the end they will side with your employer. to the poster can i ask you how will the Occupational Health doctor be able to distinguish between reactive stress and mental illness.


    All unions are waste of time just look at the complaints on forums. They will side with your employer to protect other peoples jobs and theirs. southampton council has sacked all workers and give them new contracts to sign on lower wages or stay sacked with no money, the unions are lost as to what to do next!


    The Occupational Health doctor is be able to distinguish between reactive stress and mental illness by questions and answers for your symptoms

  4. I do not think they are all that reliant on subscriptions anymore Sarah. It has become a business and the union gets a percentage of all the insurance sold to members, a referral fee for all legal cases (employment civil and criminal) referred via the union (they offer legal referral for all members' family, so families of crims are well sorted) and gawd knows what else.


    Nearly all the work involving members is done by volunteers or workplace reps so it is free labour. What a business!


    I makes a sham out of unions if they are making free labour do all the work when regional organisers earn 30,000 head people earn 100,000+. I read they make most money for personal injury claims referals not employment law as rep can go to tribunal. What I found stupid was that they only give you one option to follow if you dont take it they will not support you. One lady took her union to tribunal for this as they refused to support her when she resigned through very bad bullying and they told her keep working save her job. She won and I am very glad.

  5. The union should be able to support you through the disciplinary meeting(s) and also advise you on how to use mitigating factors (harassment, stress, effects of medication etc) to try to save your registration. They should have loads of experience with these issues.


    UNION will not advise stress, effects of medication they will tell you they are reasons for employer to let you go as they can say you can no longer do the job so UNIONS will advise against this. You would need witness to the harassment most wont stand against their employer for you trust me I know....

  6. The [problem] by the trade unions will go on until people leave and then when they have no subs they will have to rethink how bad they treat people and change. Most Union staff wont get involved as they work together with the company and want to maintain that loyalty to represent others working there etc. I looked for help from my union UNISON been with them 5 years when I needed them over a matter they let me down badly I complained to Dave Prentis head guy and he did not care as they are not regulated and no one takes legal action against them because of costs.

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