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kiz ftw

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Posts posted by kiz ftw

  1. Hello, Im after a bit of help and advise, I swtiched to the above company 2 years ago as they offered me what seemed like a competive deal on my gas and electric, how wrong was i. For 12 months they set me on a "budget plan" and offered me a payment of a set payment i think was in the region of £80.00 a month combined for gas and electric. over an 18 month period when ever they sent bills through i notcied that they were constantly over estimating on the gas readings, so i kept calling them every three months to correct them. now having a job where i work 60 hours a week, up untill i joined UW i never really payed much attention to the bills going out, i just had them paid by direct debit and went about my life. I was probably foolish to trust they would be billing me the correct amount but in the 10 years of running a house hold never really had a problem. Now in january 2011 i had a call saying they were reveiwing my payments and due to running up close to a £1100 debt they were going to tripple my payments. I was litterally in shock, how could this happen. in the end they were trying to charge me close on £240.00 a month for my gas and electric. I lost my job in march and couldnt afford to pay anything let alone 240 a month, when i got a new position in april my wages were decreased dramatically and again some bills went un paid, In august my partner and i can home to find things had been moved in the house, my dog was cowering in the back room and wet all over the floor which he never does and there was a letter on the table saying that they had gained access under a right of access law to install prepay meters. I contacted them imediatley as they had not sent any correspondence or letters to state this action was going to happen. in fact the day before they sent me a bill forthe last missed installment, now granted i accept that i hadnt managed to make a payment for 4 months, this was not through choice. i called to ask when the warrant was issued to gain access to my property , i was told by the agent on the other end that he couldnt be sure but belived it to be in june, now after doing some digging i found that should a warrant be issued it had to be inforced with in 28 days of issue, this would then make the warrant expired. i asked for a copy of all correspondence sent to my address regarding this matter when i called my complaint through on the 8th August, i was told yes that would be done. I received nothing, I called up again on 9th September to state that it had now been 30 days since my call and i am still waiting for a copy of this warrant. I was told not a problem it would be sent to me via email the same day as well as hard copied out to me. again i have still received nothing, My question is surrounding the legality of them gaing access with out myself or wife being present and without leaving a copy of said warrant, to top it off they have set the prepaid meters to £20.00 per meter repayment towards the debt which apprently now stands at some £2000.00. thats £160.00 a month before we even use any fuel whichs seems astronomical considering at the moment out combines income is only £1300 net. we have a 16 montyh old daughter and 1 on the way and are now struggling to heat the house and keep the power on. any advise would be helpful as to how to proceed as i think they may have entered the property on an expired warrant hense why the have not sent it to me.

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