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Posts posted by Katvond

  1. Hi, I myself am currently having problems with brighthose and right at this very moment in time am at my wits end,

    I currently owe them £120 for about 6 weeks late payments, I was very ill at the beginning of the time i couldnt pay, and I subsequently lost my job, and am suffering from depression, and the way i am being treated certainly isnt helping matters.

    I telephoned them when I was 2 weeks in arrears to inform them when my benefit was sorted, I would attempt to get upto date with my late payments, they told me I had to pay by the following monday....Which i couldnt afford, i offered to pay them in small installments, over my contracted weekly payment...big fat no....and now it has spiralled out of control

    I have had the 'big bouncer type man' banging on my door on several occasions, and as we speak, he is there, and has been for about an hour in his van! I am not opening the door, but afraid he will still be there when my daughter comes home from school....I have had notes shoved through my letterbox, saying that they have come to collect the goods i have stolen from them...calling me a theif, and that they will be back later...WHAT CAN I DO? please someone put my mind at rest?

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