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Posts posted by KOWENS132

  1. Hi I have a payday loan which is now 4 months overdue.

    I contacted my lender before the payment date requesting a repayment plan and have little or the same repeat response.

    Have heard nothing since 2 weeks after default date and all my emails and written attempts at contact have been ignored.

    The interest is still being added,I did not roll over and have not been issued with a default notice.


    Any suggestions what I should do and does the lack of the default notice improve my position?


    many thanks

  2. Hello


    I have a £470 loan that I am unable to repay, due on the 28th Jan and have decided that I will not roll it over again.

    Will now try to arrange a repayment plan to pay it back over 2/3 months.

    I have 2 accounts with my bank and would like to know if the lender has the right to take money from the account/debit card that was not registered in the loan application.


    Many thanks in advance

  3. I tried to pay QQ using a pre-paid Cashplus card last year but they would not accept it. I didn't inform them that it was a pre-paid card ,just used the number. The banking systems can detect what type of card you use by the number coding. I have paid them by paypal with no problems but by sending the money from my account - refer to your customer number and the loan agreement at all times. I suggest that you do not use their Paypal payment requests so you can keep in control of things.

  4. There are a few posts on the forum from posters querying why QQ have informed them that their balance is zero.

    I have now just received an email from them saying my balance of £10 is overdue - I actually owe £00s.


    I wonder if they have a problem with their payments/information recording system, or are as others have said trying to get as much as they can before they are kicked out - interesting

  5. Sorry at work and didn't get chance to finish my post. It was £545.40 and the total to be repaid was £1231.70 Only the 1st monthly payment was made in full and I have paid another £160 over the 5 months Contacted them numerous times to request repayment options but only one reply - what I would have to pay back if I repaid early - Settlement figure valid until 27/10/2011 -£884.00 (Arrears included) To me the loan repayment seems reasonable unless they try to add more. Just trying to work out my best options of repaying it.

  6. Hi sillygirl1 Thank you for the reply and the advice The original loan was to be paid back over 6months and I did know the total I would have to pay back when I took the loan out (was desperate at the time) Have been making reduced/nonpayments for 4 months The original Payment Schedule was * Date * Amount Due * Aug.26, 2011 * £163.50 * Sep.27, 2011 * £272.50 * Oct.27, 2011 * £272.50 * Nov.25, 2011 * £272.50 * Dec.23, 2011 * £272.50 * Jan.27, 2012 * £272.50

  7. Received an email from LS yesterday informing me that they had changed their trading name slightly. Received another email today informing me that as I had no replied to their constant attempts at contacting me regarding my reduced/non-payments the debt which has now passed the completion date (31/1/12) was being passed to MacKenzie Hall - this is rubbish as I have heard nothing and they have been ignoring me. The balance (£1374.40) they have given me is about right and has not changed in 2 weeks so I accept that this is the figure I should pay. LS have informed that I should contact MH now to fully pay the debt and/or make arrangements. I cannot afford to pay more than £60/70 per month and willingly will pay what I owe. My thoughts are I should wait until MH contact me officially in writing and then I ask them for a letter of assignment - this will give me more time to pay other debts off. After they have replied as requested I will then try to make an arrangement plan or if I can make a F & F What are your thoughts on this idea or would you do it differently? All replies greatly appreciated

  8. I have had dealings with them and if you are committed to the loan then please make sure you pay it off when you are supposed to. They had been chasing me for non-payment and tried to raid my account even though they had been paid. Their charges for late payment and interest are ridiculous Best advice - avoid.

  9. £11,800 is what I currently owe with interest being added as I am paying less than the original monthly sum. Not defaulted yet - they sent me the standard you will default if you don't pay by letter. What gets my back up with Barclays is that there are so many divisions and contacts you have to deal with and it is clear they are totally unable to communicate with each other. To be honest it has got to the stage when I might accept the default just to be shot of Barclays. I have moved my main account to Lloyds anyway and just have the Barclays Loan and an un-authorised OD which will be paid off next month.

  10. Thank you for the reply Bazooka Boo Thanks to this forum and Moneysavingexpert I feel quite comfortable in how to deal with my creditors and what is/is not acceptable practice. Although it has been a struggle I have continued to reduce my debts which are credit cards and 1 loan but Barclays have been rubbish to deal with even though I have been with them for a long time. I am making reduced payments but Barclays are still adding interest on the loan but I accept this. As I already had a default assigned this year should I just go ahead with their default,get the balance established and renegotiate a more manageable repayment plan with the DCA - I owe them £11,800

  11. I am currently self-managing my own DMP and most of my mainstream creditors are being helpful and supportive, this has helped me reduce my debt by £4600 in the past 2 years. I already have a default assigned by Mint from 2009 and a repayment plan in place. Capital One have defaulted me in the past few weeks and the repayment terms have been agreed. My other smaller creditors are being picked off quite quickly. Other than my mortgage my biggest debt is with Barclays Resolve Loan who had agreed to a short term repayment plan (which I have been paying) an assessment of my outgoings and 6 months to address my arrears. Now out of the blue they are threatening me with a default and want the £365 arrears addressed by the 8th November. As I still have a substantial amount of debt, which with my plan will take 5/6 years to pay would I be better off accepting that they default me and then arrange new payments with their assigned DCA? At least this will give me a target figure to work towards and I can make repayment offers that I can realistically sustain. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  12. I am currently paying both Wonga and TXTloan by repayment plan over a two & three month period. Txtloan added another months interest and Wonga froze all charges and interest. Both allowed me to pay them by standing order on dates that were more convenient for me. All arranged by email and with no hassle by phone. To be honest with all the negativity towards these companies I was dreading it, but they were both easy to deal with.

  13. QuickQuidCustomerService


    Thank you for replying but frankly your statement of trying to offer safe and responsible payment methods is absolute rubbish.


    You must be one of the only companies in any sector that is not willing to provide bank details or does not accept standing orders as a practical means of customer payment.


    Also your advisers contradict each other on a regular basis in that you either do/do not accept prepaid cards and Paypal is/is not a secure method.


    I have sent countless emails to your various addresses but they come back with the same automated replies.


    Due to the way that you are replying to these communications I am afraid that I would not trust any telephone conversations

    that I may have with you


    You can probably tell from this post that I am angry with you as all I am trying to do is pay back what I owe you in a realistic timescale

    but I feel that you have been totally obstructive in my offers of repayment.

    E.g. you will not consider any repayment terms until I default the account and the deferred balance has been paid first.


    The frustrating thing about all of this is I could have paid you at least 50% of what I owe you by now if you had not been dragging things out.


    Again I appreciate your reply but I suggest that you read all of this forums threads and posts relating to your company.


    It does not make good reading for your company

  14. Thank you for your replies. They are by far the worst creditor I have ever had to deal with - just not interested in helping. They are quick to chase non-payments by relentless calls and emails but when you ask for them to reply to a question - nothing I have copies of all my emails and "live" chat transcripts such as this last one Rachelle: Thank you for waiting. Unfortunately our system will not take the prepaid master card but you can use it and pay via PayPal. However we will need the PayPal Transaction ID # immediately after you make the payment so that we can update your account to an active stayus and customer service can assist you. I will try the prepaid and if they reject it , it will hopefully give me more leverage if they try to take things further.

  15. My quick summary of QuickQuid Accept bank debit cards as there main rob you blind method Will accept Paypal at a push, but inform it is not secure Will not accept prepaid cards or standing orders Are not interested in repayment plans or replying to communications in a positive manner. Are incredibly frustrating to deal with with there "songs from the same hymn sheet" and automated email replies. I have had backwards & forwards communication everyday for 5 weeks now and they are just not co-operative. Would I have grounds to complain to the OFT or FOS if they are not prepared to discuss or accept my proposed methods of payment? I want to realistically pay them but they just won't let me.

  16. Have contacted WDA and requested if my payment can be split over two months with an acceptable interest increase. They have replied back with a no and that a £36 default fee will be applied. I cannot find anywhere on their website T&C or the copy of my SECCI that specifies this. So,without this transparency can they legally assign this charge? If not how do I contest it?

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