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Posts posted by Em78

  1. Hi Stitchly


    Mini Credit are in my experience not willing to consider any kind of repayment plan. I contacted them via e-mail on a number of occasions and have only ever received back standard emails which are very poorly written.


    They refused a payment plan for several months and sent letters threatening doorstep collectors and legal action.


    My account was eventually passed to Fredericksons who were much easier to deal with. I had an affordable repayment plan se up in minutes and have had no problems with them at all.


    Keep going ....it's a good feeling paying your debts off and for me peace of mind.

  2. I am making partial payments on a weekly basis using a debit card that I have for a basic account.


    As it is a basic account no ages etc get paid into this account and I transfer only what I am paying before I use the debit card.


    I have several e-mails from Minicredit advising that partial payments stop a doorstep collector being instructed although you will still get charged the £100 and will still continue to receive the generic e-mails that are automatically sent out to defaulted accounts.

  3. Thanks for your post ...... I e-mailed Minicredit today and they have confirmed the e-mails are sent automatically to all deafulted loans and that if I have been making partial payments then the doorstep collector has indeed been delayed for 30 days. I have also spoken to the CCCS and they have given me some advice regarding dealing with them. They are just using bullyboy tactics to scare people.


    I dont trust them though and am going to see if I can borrow the money from a family member and will make them an offer of settlement. I am trying to get my finances sorted out so borrowing from another lender will do nothing to help my situation.


    I am still going to complain as although I do owe them money I have rights too and dont like the thought of being bullied. The CCCS advised me to complain about them. I owe money to a few other lenders and when I have explained my situation to them they have all put me on a repayment plan Minicredit are the only ones that have refused.


    Anyone else have any experience of dealing with Minicredit?

  4. I have recently defaulted on a Minicredit loan and would like advice from anyone who has previously dealt with them on a number of points please....


    I have been making partial payments on a weekly basis and was advised that each payment would delay a doorstep collector by 30 days each time however today have got a threatening e-mail advising that doorstep collectors will be instructed in 10 days time (incurring a £100 fee) and that they could also contact my employers. Has anyone else experienced this? Am sure that it is illegal to contact my employer to discuss personal matters under Data Protection. This also contradicts what I was advised about each partial payment delaying a doorstep collector by 30 days each time. Has anyone else experienced this and do doorstep collectors ever get instructed?


    I fully acknowledge that the debt needs to be repaid and have been very frank about my situation with them. I have sent them a few e-mails now (which i have kept a copy of) and I dont seem to get any answers to my questions in the e-mails that they reply to.


    I feel like they are using underhand and threatening behaviour to scare people and are acting in a completley unprofessional manner. I really feel like I need to complain to some organisation about Minicredit and would appreciate some advice from others that have done the same and contact addresses.

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