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Posts posted by ben2435

  1. Big Muzz - Did you get anywhere with this as i find myself in the exact situation as yours with hutchinson 3g. i had the same for the sum of £97 where i had completed my payments and i recieved a default at the end of the contract? these people are hard to communicate with on the phone, although i have spoken to experian who has informed me to contact the citizens advice bureau because as we did not receive a default notice and was allowed time pay as set out in the consumer credit act 1974 the default is nul and void.


    As you and i was never issued a notice in the first place gives an inaccurate view of how, i certainly, conduct my finances as if this was brought to my attention i would most certainly paid the amount in full, it seems sadly that this company hands these out willy nilly without following the correct procedures as set out in the act.


    Anyways the facts


    I have already spoken to experian who has informed me that the only way to get it removed is by the company who issued it, experian also informed me that hutchinson 3g are regulated by the consumer credit act 1974 and have to issue a default notice as set out, therefore it is as of your right to request a copy of this default notice as proof that they issued you with it, regardless of whether you actually recieved it. if you contact them by letter they are legally bound to reply within 28days of the letter to inform you that they are dealing with your request. There is a website which deals with this however i cannot post links as of yet or advertise other websites.


    Good Luck



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