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Posts posted by Becci0830

  1. Hello :)


    I have a serious problem with a company called Toothfairy finance, I need some really good sound advice on this!


    On 1st June 2011 when i was a student, I needed emergency funds. So i Googled "payday loans" being a student and having poor credit I didn't actually think I would be accepted, So when I applied for a £200 loan with TF I was really surprised that I was accepted, Straight away too!! I understood the interest charges stood at £9 per week for every £100 taken out with them!


    So, come the next two weeks when I was due to pay it off, I had a serious problem with my car, I needed to pay for this ASAP. So I called TF up and explained my problem, All I remember (as it was nearly 2 years ago) was that they were rude, nasty and didn't want to help. So i ended up putting the phone down on them, and thinking I could pay whatever i could find off. So for a few months this is what I did, I paid off bits and bobs. I heard nothing from the company for months on end! Not until i moved back home in the NEXT YEAR. All of a sudden my account was over £1000. I was stunned. So I called them, I asked questions and I told them I simply could not afford to pay this back. In the end I was bullied into excepting 10 monthly payments of £100. I paid my first £100 and then realized this was really too much! It was leaving me without food every month. So i called and again got horrible treatment. So i cancelled my DD and I didn't contact them again. It's not April 2013, and myself and my partner are looking to buy a house. So i checked on my credit file just to see what was what. It turns out I know owe £2104.


    By the way, This isn't just interest, These charges are apparent recovery fees?

    So I called them, And it appears their customer service is as bad as it always was. I got told from this women that i needed to pay the outstanding amount right away. Like i have that money laying around!! So i explained, I tried sticking to my guns and said i was willing to pay the origainl amount of £200 plus some interest but not that amount of money! She then asked if i Had £400 today, I said i don't have £4 let alone £400 to give to you!! But if I did she would have happily closed my account.

    I couldn't understand it? Why couldn't she reduce the account to £400 and let me pay it off in installments?

    Anyway, again like 2 years ago I was rail roaded into another payment plan with them. £50 a month for 16 months.

    This is still too much for me, I really do not want to pay them back £800.


    I have contacted the FOS who have assured me i have a complaint against them. The FOS have wrote to them, and have wrote to me so now I have to wait 8 weeks. BUT TF DO NOT HAVE MY NEW ADDRESS or my new mobile number because I cannot handle the threatening emails they send me!


    So how do I go about getting them off my credit file altogether? Does anybody think actually getting the FOS involved will help? Or am i just going to have to pay them back £800 for a £200 loan :(




    Becci x

  2. Hi guys!

    This company is a complete joke, I would love to take them down!


    Had a call from someone who claimed to be from Toothfairy finance. When i refused to speak to them, he changed his mind and decided he was from NDR. i stood my ground but he insisted i pay £100 a month for 5 months.

    Leaving my £200 debt to £500?

    He reckons i've incurred recovery and legal fee's and my loan was actually £920 and he was doing me a HUGE favour.

    I've agreed to the payment plan starting from next month but now i regret it.

    I'm thinking of paying £200 plus maybe £100 interest and then blocking the direct debit.


    Have i been stupid?

    He wouldnt let me get off the phone and insisted he would send a recovery agent around


    Thank you


  3. Hi guys!

    I am having similier issues with this awful company.

    Completly at my wits end about it all.

    I was a student, I was working as much as I could, I needed to make ends meet. Then I left Uni & got laid off from work. I understand it was my responsibility to repay this loan but who can predict the future? They target students when really they should have been taking that into account and maybe denying us the payday loan.

    There making it harder and harder for me to repay my debt!

    I'm back in work now, and i'm only just making ends meet as it is.

    I have offered and asked to go into some kind of payment plan.

    I borrowed £200 and now I owe then £420 and no doubt this is going to get worse and worse.

    There's nothing i can do until I get paid in september and even then there is no chance i can afford this amount in full.

    I've had awful nasty phone call's, including silent calls & unknown numbers which i know full well is them.

    I tried to e-mail the company, wanting to keep everything in writing, ( They DONT have my new address) however the email just say's it's failed.

    Does anyone know how to contact them that doesnt involve letters or phonecalls. So Email for example?


    After reading the really good advice on here, I REFUSE to pay more then the original loan amount of £200 plus 1 months interest.


    Once that's paid any other charges they can seriously take me to court for.

    Sure the judge would love to take these cowboys down.

    It's not fair. It makes life harder then it should be.

    I had a similier problem with Wonga, Lost my job had no income, they've let me pay £50 this month and then split it into £100 installments from september for 2 months!

    Why can't these idiots help there customers like this?x

  4. I'm having MAJOR problems with thie company too. Sleepless nights and worry. In the end I just changed my number, E-mail and even moved address so I know they cant get in touch (This company wasn't the main reason for these actions)

    I'm just seriously worried they'll go around to my mothers house as that was my previous address. BUT I don't think they can by law do that anyway.

    NASTY company!

    Learnt my lesson with this one!!

  5. Thanks guys!

    I've read so much about them being spoof artists!


    I keep getting unknown call's from them! It's actually making me change my number it's that bad!

    I wouldn't mind if there staff were friendly!


    This is a lesson, I will NEVER use payday loan companies again. And deffo not these idiots!


    So loan amount plus one months interest!

    That mean's i should owe them £236.

    Which I can afford to repay.

    Why do they make it so difficult? They leave it so you rack up the interest and pay!


    Will it stay on my credit file for the next 6 years? x

  6. Hi guys,


    I'm really hoping someone can help me on here!


    For weeks I've been reading some really good advice on here that has settled my mind regarding my short term loan with Toothfairy Finance.


    However thought i'd sign up and get some personal advice! So here goes.


    I was a student, I needed cash to eat. My job was just getting me by from day to day.


    So I googled payday loans, out of interest.


    First two that came up was Wonga (who are VERY helpful and professional) & Toothfairy.


    I've taken loans out from both, £200 from Toothfairy with the idea I pay it back within 2 weeks.

    Making the interest £218 (£9 per week interest)


    then, I lost my job :( and then I had to move.


    With all the confusion and lack of funds I couldn't afford to pay the amount owed back.

    So I called them. I was polite and professional as always and I got the rudest women on the phone saying I have incurred late fee's and more interest.


    They refuse me a payment plan. I know apparently owe them £420 from a £200 loan.


    I have asked SO many times for a payment plan!!


    I've since moved from my last address & I haven't been so stupid as to inform them where I live now.

    What are my rights?


    Can they send people to my previous address as the one stated on file I my mum's address?

    Can they take me to court even though I've explained and offered a payment plan to them?

    Can they even charge £100 late fee?


    I'm so scared that it'll escalate and I really don't know what to do!!


    I just don't have the funds to pay them that much back!

    I'm back in work now but I have rent and bills to pay!

    I sold my car, and was going to pay them back with that!

    Then another more important thing cropped up!

    How can they warrant beings rude an unhelpful?

    I've never dealt with a company like these!

    I've made a new bank account up. So they can't access my money & leave me skint.


    I've emailed them saying I'll pay back £200 plus 2 months interest over a 2 month period.

    Then email got sent back to me, saying they no longer accept incoming emails and to do it on there website.


    Which I did! If anyone has the valid email I'd be grateful!


    Any information, I'd be SO grateful for that too!! :( please help!!

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