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Posts posted by postit

  1. I had a similar experience with Equifax recently - requested my report in April and finally got it end of July. Their service is appalling.


    It took several emails to their Media relations team and threatening all sorts of complaints and emails to consumer help desks in order to get it sorted.

  2. Hey folks,


    three defaulted accounts from 2005 have appeared on my Experian credit file in the past few days, dated December 2005.


    Now, despite that period being turbulent for me, I actually have paperwork from all of my accounts at the time and default letters from the Co-op dated June 2005. It even says on the letter 'This is a default noticed under section x of the CCA'. I also have a letter stating that my debt had been assigned to a DCA in December 2005.


    It seems the assignment date has been used for the default date on my credit report, but surely this is incorrect? As these debts are actually statute barred do I have a case in asking the CRAs to remove the defaulted accounts, or should I just wait until December? I've never received anything about these accounts so it's a surprise that they have suddenly appeared - this is what happens when you start delving into your murky past!


    Any help is much appreciated... :-)

  3. I've spent the last few hours on here looking into this! Just before I go again (and to make me fell really better) if I do get a summons in the next month or so before the default date for the account that remains on my file, will I be able to defend against it at that point to the court? Part of me is wondering whether to send them a 'prove it' letter to stall the process for a few weeks until the default date passes!


    I really need to stop worrying about this!

  4. I've just looked at the last report (from last week) and it is there and the date defaulted is "15 September 2005". Now there it does not appear at all. I thought it wouldn't disappear until after 15 Sept this year? I think I'm getting paranoid because of reading so many dirty tricks by the DCAs. I hope it doesn't reappear with a new date!

  5. No, never. In fact until the past few months I have had no letters from either bank or DCAs since late 2005. I didn't reply to anything and there are no CCjs at the addresses I have lived at.


    I can't remember the last time I spoke to either bank but I am certain it will have been early 2005, after I lost my job I stuck my head in the sand and just ignored them and opened a basic account elsewhere for my JSA.

  6. Hi folks, been trying to clean up my credit file this year and have recent copies of all of them. I had two overdrafts years ago (they were joint accounts but after a horrendous relationship I put them in my name just to get away) and then I lost my job and had no payments going in. One of the banks recalled the od in June 2005 and requested full and immediate repayment, and the other in August 2005 (amazingly I found the letters from the bank confirming this the other day).


    I have seen on my credit file that both are listed with defaults at the beginning of Sept 2005 (even though the first bank requested repayment in June). I have suddenly been receiving lots of DCA letters about these accounts and I am scared they might issue a CCJ by default in the next few weeks


    My question is: if the banks recalled the OD and demanded repayment in June/Aug 2005 would this not count as the default date, and not the date listed on the credit report, in which case both are statute barred? There is no way I could afford to repay even token payments at the moment and I am petrified of it happening.


    I just want to know so I can be prepared if or when I do get CCJ papers or even to send them a statute barred letter now.


    Thanks :!:

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