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Posts posted by herewego9

  1. Hi Papasmurf


    My employer gave me the reasoanble adjustment to ensure a level playing field in comparison to other non-disabled candidates as they recognised that I would be at a disadvantage - however (in my opinion) they then negated that level playing field by then giving every candidate the same reasonable adjustment (and therefore put me back at a disadvantage) !


    And wouldn't it be good practice to let me know the outcome of my request for a reasonable adjustment before the actual interview?



  2. I formally requested for reasonable adjustments (RA) to be made for my interview i.e. to view questions 10 minutes before my interview - I have dyslexia


    1) My employer did not inform me before the interview that they were or weren't making provision for my RA


    2) When I arrived for the interview I was given 10 minutes to look at questions and arrange notes (which I assume was my reasonable adjustment - though they did not say this was a RA) - however I spoke to another candidate and for this particular interview (not done before to my knowledge) they applied the "10 minutes view of questions" to ALL candidates. Is this fair and reasonable?


    I thought that by making a reasonable adjustment my employer is taking steps so as not to disadvantage me in comparison to non disabled candidates i.e. creating a level playing field however to then apply the (reasonable) adjustment to all other candidates surely that then negates my reasonable adjustment.


    Any advice would be greatly received as I need to make a decision as to whether to pursue this matter


    Thank you

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