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Posts posted by jerryholl

  1. I had a leaking pipe from my boiler which caused a lot of damage to the shop downstairs. It looks like the leak was there for at least a month if not more. On been told by the shop owner of the problem I had the leak fixed immediately as I was advised also that there was a high danger as water was dripping onto electric wires.


    My house insurers say that the shop owner needs to make a claim on his insurance to cover the damage to his shop. However, most worringly, she pointed out that they may not pay out unless it was the case that I refused to fix the leak over a period of time! Considering the danger to myself and other flatmates it obviously had to be fixed.


    Won't getting the guy downstairs to say I refused to fix the leak in order to get a payout leave me open to other counter claims?


    Any info gratefully received

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