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Posts posted by Gabi18

  1. Hello everybody.I'm sorry for no updating you but have been quite busy recently.TTF have sent me the third email with the same information about fraud.it was yesterday.it seems they do this on the monthly basis.also they sent me a letter stating how much I owe them.well,the loan of 300 is now 1840.I didn't make any complaints yet.I'm just so fed up with them.All of my creditors (12) are pretty good with dmp I'm doing with CCCS.Only TTF still sending me those emails with threats.


  2. Hello Everybody,

    A bit of update. Nothing from The Evil Trio regarding my letter.

    But today NDR sent me exactly the same as one month ago email with accusation of fraud.

    Over the last month I was getting from them their normal threatening emails and text. They also sent to my home a ground collector. I spoke with CCCS (they are doing my dmp) about that situation.

    What do you think? Is there any possibility that one day somebody(government,the other financial body) who can make decision will do something about TTF/NDR/MBH?How is it possible that this company can still act in that way?

    Thank you for all your response.


  3. Hello Everybody,

    A bit of update. It's been TWO WEEKS since I sent out my letter to The Evil Trio: TTF/NDR/MHB asking them to provide me with some proof of their accusation. Well, I haven't heard anything from them in that matter. But I do still receive their usual emails once or twice a day.

    Last week they sent a ground collector to my house but I wasn't at home when he came. He left a letter in open (!!!) envelope. Was written down on it: URGENT! and my name.In letter he left his name and phone number to contact him. I did. I just sent him a text where I used http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?410-LETTER-USED-WHEN-A-DCA-THREATENS-A-DOORSTEP-VISIT

    from the Library. Also I sent out letters to TTF/NDR/MHB (first class+certificate of postage) with the same template, also


    and also I sent them the other one with request of removal my phone numbers from their database:


    I spoke to CCCS again telling them that I haven't had anything from TTF about "fraud issue". They said it happens sometimes when the creditor is one of those nasty ones. Also they told to sort of ignore their emails and text (texts not any more, I've changed number).

    By the way: the last balance I saw was £1,700 on the loan of £400. I've paid already about £200.Only in a week time the balance went up from £1,307 to £1,700.

    Thank you for reading my posts and also for all advice I was given by you Guys!


  4. Thank you, sillygirl1. I was thinking i could pay off one PDL a month - whatever is left to pay them (loan+1month) - and then remove from CCCS list of my creditors. I don't know whether this is a good idea. I just want to get rid off PDL quicker than with CCCS.

    Sorry to bother you but I've got one more question regarding doorstep visit I had from MHB. I thought I could send a text to that number the agent gave me and say that I do not wish any visits unless the appointment has been made with me and if he comes again I will call the police. Is it a good idea? Maybe I should call that agent and tell him on the phone. I'm really worried as I share house with people who don't know about my problems and I don't want them to know.

    Thank you.


  5. Hello sillygirl1,

    thank you for your response. I have already sent all of them "doorstep visit letter" and it was quite long time ago. I've just done it again trough their websites - the only way you can send them online. Also in a moment I'm going to post office and send again letters to all of them - "doorstep visit letter".

    Thank you for all of your advice. I have been reading about problems with those people on this forum for a long time so I know I'm not the only one.

    The same CCCS told me when I called them (I'm doing my dmp with them).

    Sillygirl1, I know from what I was reading that actually what you owe PDLcompanies is the loan + 1 month interest. Could you please advise me in that matter? I gave to CCCS the outstanding balances of PDL on the base they sent me which means the balances are much more higer than loan+1month interest as all of PDL put charges etc on my accounts.

    Could I calculate on my own the new balances on the base loan+1month interest and update CCCS with what would come up after my calculations? Can they ask me how it possible that balances decreased?

    I have already paid some money to all of my creditors through dmp (since January 2011).

    Could suggest or advice anything please?

    Thank you for reading that.


  6. Hello everybody,

    MHB sent the ground collector to my house. It was yesterday. He left a letter as I wasn't at home.There is his name and phone number in that letter to call him IMMEDIATELY to resolve that matter (letter states like that)

    I was kind of surprised as I haven't seen anybody on this forum visited by ground collectors on behalf of MHB.

    Can anybody advise what I should do? Contact that agent or just ignore it?

    The letter says "more visits are planned" and I don't want them to come again. I share house with the other people. They don't know and I don't want them to know about my money problems.

    Thank you for any advice.


  7. Hi everybody,

    it's been more than week and i didn't hear anything from TTF/NDR/MHB except standard email from NDR about legal action in 7 days, blablabla......

    but nothing from them about their accusation of fraud. I sent them a letter demanding proof of what they were accusing me of, also talked to CCCS who I am with doing my dmp.


    just wanted to update you a bit

    thank you for all your help, Guys.


  8. Hello,

    First at all: THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND ADVICE!!!!!! I do really appreciate that. Yesterday I was so scared again because of TTF/NDR/MBH.

    You again gave me a breath!! THANK YOU!

    I spoke today to CCCS. They are going to deal with TTF/NDR/MHB, make complaints etc as I was not the only one treated like that by those companies.

    I feel a bit better today - not as scared as yesterday.

    I will keep you updated.


  9. Thank you for the advice.

    I'm doing my dmp with CCCS. Since January 2011 till July 2011 I was doing dmp with DMC which charged me - that's why I left them and joined CCCS.

    All of my creditors are paid through dmp with CCCS and only ToothFairy Finance / NDR / MHB is giving me a hard time.

    I will call CCCS tomorrow and will ask them what to do about this.

    The problem will be with posting address for Toothafairy/NDR/MHB. It does not seem to exist I'm afraid.

    Will keep you updated.

    Thank you.


  10. Hi Guys!

    After some time I need your advice please. It's again about Toothfairy/NDR/MHB. I've been paying them since xxxxx through my dmp - at tje moment I'm doing my dmp with CCCS. Those people have never agreed to any payment plan but I just keep paying them as much as I can via my dmp.

    They keep sending me emails with threats: all of them Toothfairy/NDR/MHB. I replied to most of them via their website as none of the email addresses is working. I made a complaint already about that behaviour, threats, harrasment, confusing emails and etc.

    Today I received an email:


    "Dear Mrs XXX


    Loan ref: XXXXXXX


    We have reason to believe that you have supplied our client - ToothFairy Finance Ltd-ToothFairy Pay Day Loan - with potentially FRAUDULENT information inorder to obtain credit.


    THIS IS A SERIOUS MATTER which must be dealt with IMMEDIATELY to avoid further action.


    Call 0843 381 0843 IMMEDIATELY failure to do so may lead to this matter being passed to the Police


    According to records you applied for and took a loan with ToothFairy Finance Ltd-ToothFairy Pay Day Loan on xxxx for GBP xxx. Systems generate a detailed electronic trail of proof at EACH stage of the transaction including the unique address of the computer used, mobile phone offered and cross referencing of ALL personal details provided across multiple sources


    The bank has confirmed that the funds were sent to the account num ber XXXXXXXX with sort code XXXXXX and that this account belongs to you.


    If we do not hear from you by end of tomorrow we will be passing this file to the Anti Fraud Department who will then perform further traces and check exactly where the loan application came from using IP tracking technology.


    If this proves to be an attempt to defraud us then you will be charged for the extra investigation and the file handed to the Police to pursue as a criminal matter.


    We would much rather avoid involving further third parties as it will become much more serious and expensive for you, and time consuming for us.




    Yours sincerely,





    Thank you for any help and advice.


  11. it was easy for me to set up dmp with CCCS. i called them, they sent me via email information that i can do dmp with them, then i called them back, spoke to one of their advisors (depends ho busy they are: they might tell you you need to make an appointment and will give the date and time and you call them then).I called them in the evening.they open till 8pm.They asked me how much I earn, how much I spend each month - dont worry - they are very helpful and really really easy to talk to.

    So after that I send them all of the information: names of my creditors, account numbers with creditors (or reference numbers), also outstanding balances for each of the creditors.I have got 12 creditors - and all of them will be paid reduced payments, only what I can afford each month.

    I sent info to CCCS via email. Then they sent me "pack", I had to sign the agreement with CCCS, give bank details for direct debit, and i sent it back. after a week or so i got from them "welcome pack" with summary of information I gave them, confirmation of direct debit.

    I opened new basic account wit Co-Op Bank and will be using that account to pay that direct debit. My wages are in different account as now I dont believe anybody. I was in the situation that after cancelling direct debit, my debit card one of my creditors still tried to get money and my previous bank I was with let do it and I found myself with unplanned overdraft and bank charges for that.

    Do not hesitate and contact CCCS tomorrow. you will feel better, you will feel release.

  12. with no credit history you won't be able to get any loans - I think. if you will find one it will be probably on very high interest.

    i think you have been a bit "oversensitive" saying that no one can understand you. i think you are wrong. most people here - if you read more on this forum - have been in worse situation than you. i don't think that anybody here wants to judge you. try to think reasonable - more loans mean more debts.you can find here really good advice step by step what to do, where to start. try to search similar posts.

    all the best!

  13. Hi kgg01,

    try to pay off minicredit ASAP. when you read more posts here you will see that this company is quite difficult to deal with, regarding payment plans.

    I was in the same situation as you are. At the moment I'm with CCCS.This is FREE charity organisation. you can find information about them online. it was quite easy to set up dmplan with them.Do not contact any fee company. I've been with one of them. they charged me a lot and were doing not too much. so I left them and joined CCCS.

    And don't forget that you are not alone with debts. Almost everyone on this forum came here because of that.

    DO NOT PANIC!!!! AND YOU MUST NOT TAKE MORE LOANS!!!!!!!! It will only male your situation worse.

    Try to talk to somebody, like a friend or relative. I know how it is to keep everything inside. I went the same road. I was ashamed because I thought I was the only one having those problems. I was ashamed and was feeling like a criminal although I was paying my creditors what I could afford.

    Well, the debt wont go away. You have to deal with that. But here, on that forum there are plenty of people ready to help you with advice. When I came here I knew not much in that matter. Now, thanks to CAGGERS, I'm wiser.

    Good luck:)


  14. Hello everyone,

    i left my dm company last month because of the charges. and also i wasn't happy with their service too.I've been with them since Dec 2010 and till now only one creditor agreed to payment plan. So I thought I could do this on my own and save money on charges.

    i've already sent out letters to my creditors saying that i will be doing dmp on my own, also attached I&E form, and an offer of payment.

    I've got 6 payday loans, 1 overdraft, 2 credit cards, 1 Littlewoods account - in total circa £6500.

    1.TXT Loan (files with Fredrickson) - £100 taken

    2.Lending Stream - £350 taken

    3.Toothfairy (files with NDR,MHBailiffs - so confusing!!!) - £300 taken

    4.Quick Quid (files with Gothia and Red Castle Recoveries) - £200

    5. Cash Genie (files with Carter Forbes) - £150

    6. Wonga (due to 15th July but i will default) - £450

    7.Money Shop - £350

    8.Littlewoods - it was circa £700

    9.Oakam (loan, files with Wescot) - £1090

    10.Capital One (credit card) - circa £230

    11.Lloyds overdraft - £1050 (but most built up from charges for unplanned overdraft)

    12. Lloyds credit card - £630 (circa £120 built up from charges.

    Since January 2011 my creditors have been paying through my dmp with that company I had the contract.So some money I've already paid towards my debts.

    PDL companies already have passed my files to DCA.

    I've been reading a lot of information here and now I'm just thinking if I've done the correct step.

    I don't know the outstanding balances for my debts so I've made an offer based on my I&E form and on that what I can afford at the moment.

    Is it too late (after I sent out those letters with offer) to request cca from my creditors?

    I haven't received any response from them yet.

    Is it true that with PDL you owe them only money you took plus 1 month interest? what is 1 month interest and how to calculate it?

    Also I wasn't given by my debt management company "paying in details" for all of my creditors.i was refused to have them and was told i will have to get them from my creditors.

    Any advice please on what I shall do next?

    Thank you.


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