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Posts posted by BobGregg

  1. Thank you for your time you have been really helpful, i have followed everything stated in there grievance policy, I turned up to the hearing with my work mate as a witness explained the reasons for the grievance and was informed by the assistant manger that she would inform me in writing the outcome, I cannot see where i have gone wrong except not seeking advice earlier. but i thought they were going to deal with it and didn't want to come across as being awkward or argumentative.

  2. hi first of all thank you for taking your time to read this.


    5 months ago i was invited into a hearing about my grievance for intimidation harassment and discrimination, up till now i have not been given a response. I've asked the person who did the hearing for one still not heard anything I've also spoken to HR and my manager and still no response. what can i do know as this is getting beyond a joke. do i need to write another letter and what would i need to say to get them to answer me.

  3. On 28/12/2008 I brought a Philps 42" Lcd Tv from Dixons, I also took out a Whateverhappens ( KnowHow ) Customer Support Agreement for £6.99 a month


    A few weeks befor Christmas 2010 my 42" LCD Tv had black marks showing on the screen so I gave them a call to come and fix it, I was concerned as it was just befor Christmas, and i did not have a replacement Tv but was assured it would be back in time. (Ref No 769949)


    Week befor Christmas we had really bad snow and was informed it may be late coming back, but after speaking to them they managed to deliver it back befor Christmas and I was happy with there help in getting it sorted .


    Now my problems really start, it came back still broken but watchable and was told loads of work had been done on it so I decided not to make a fuss after they had been so helpfull, and would put up with it for the time being as this was my only Tv.


    At the begining of July it started to get really bad half the screen had gone black so I called them again really helpfull send someone to come and get it. ( Ref No 277992 )


    On the 05/06/2011 a young lad turned up on is own to collect my Tv, I was quite shocked to see him carrying it on is own to witch I did comment about it.


    On the day it was ment to return I got a phone call saying they where waiting for a new screen for it, and it would be a bit longer, OK fine as long as its repaired.


    Sat 18 text message Tv repaired back tues 21/06/2011.


    Got home today Tv still broken same fault, Dirty hand prints all over, scratches all over case and the case looks like its not fitted properly got onto Whateverhappens to complain said they would have to pick up again and arranged for sat 25/06/2011. ( Ref No 324512 ) I was really angry at the time, he was polite I did ask if i was able to have a replacement but was telled it was not 21 days but I argued it would be as the fault had not been fixed and they had to get it again and it would be ove 21 days but he said no


    Sorry this is long but can i have a replacement product under the 21 days as it as not been fixed and all the damage they have caused to my Tv. Are they right saying no.

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