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Posts posted by newlywed77

  1. Although the property was empty when we moved in, there had been tenants there at some point between the cert being issued and the property being vacated. The cooker had certainly not been disconnected, we were expected to use it and it was only on my pointing out the issues raised in the gas safety cert that a new cooker was provided. With relation to gas safety certificates, the problem is that even though inspections were carried out and certificates issued to the landlord/agent, no copies have been provided to us at all during our tenancy, certainly not within 28 days - are there any repercussions to this?

  2. I have a few concerns relating to my current tenancy and reading around on the HSE and Shelter sites would like to clarify a couple of points.


    Gas issues:


    When I moved into the property the current gas safety certificate identified the gas cooker as potentially unsafe and noted two of the rings were not working, recommending replacement. This was dated September as I moved in the following June. I therefore asked for a replacement cooker which was provided, but was the landlord in any breach by allowing the old cooker to remain in the property despite the comments on the certificate?


    Is it correct that the landlord has to provide a copy of the gas safety certificate within 28 days of issue? If this is not done what are the potential consequences.


    Landlords details


    The Shelter website states that: All landlords have to give their tenants their name and a UK contact address. If the property is managed by a letting or property agent, they must also provide you with the landlord's full name and address.

    On the contract the landlords name is featured but the only address is that for the letting agent, is this compliant or should we have a separate address? It is a managed property.

  3. Thank you for this reassuring post! I am currently dealing with several companies and I must say so far Tower Capital have been the most helpful - no real harassment, account frozen until I can make an initial payment and then (hopefully!) a repayment plan agreed. Others are definitely trying to play hardball and being quite unpleasant, but reading the advice on CAG I'm confident I can work through this.

  4. I am currently trying to negotiate payment plans with a number of PDL companies, one of which is PDUK. I have been receiving several e-mails a day from them and have explained several times that due to my husband currently not working I am unable to pay. I also explained I have a set amount to pay to my creditors each month, offering PDUK £30 a month with a request to stop charges and interest.


    Today I received the following e-mail:


    Thank you for your email. In order for us to agree a suitable payment plan for you we will need you to complete the below income and expenditure form detailing your monthly income and outgoings: Monthly Salary: £ Other Monthly Income (Benefits, Pension etc): £ Total Income £ Rent/Mortgage: £ Utility Bills: £ Mobile Phone: £ Groceries: £ Credit Card and/or other Loan payments: £ Other: £ Total outgoings £ Amount left over £ Please also advise what other credit commitments you have and how much your arranged payments are to each. Once we have this an agent will make an assessment and propose an arrangement which assists you in repaying the balance and supports your current financial situation. Please fax this to us on 0845 127 4365 or alternatively email it to us on this address. You can contact the office on 0800 280 2666 (Call charges may apply depending on your telephone provider) between 9:00am – 8:30pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm on Saturday should you have any further queries. Until a payment has been received your account is not on hold and payment can be tried at any time.


    Are they allowed to request all this information? Also the final sentence seems rather concerning, although my debit card is cancelled so not too worried on that score. Any advice on an appropriate response greatly appreciated.

  5. About seven years ago HSBC (with whom I had mortgage at the time) offered me a gold credit card with a 5k limit. I accepted the offer, limit eventually went up to 6k but when my marriage broke down I had to stop paying it as couldn't afford to (about 2 years ago). I had a DMP for a short while which made a couple of payments, but I gave this up as seemed to be a waste of time and money!


    Obviously received letters from HSBC, then DCA and also some solicitors, but so far nothing more has come of any of this and I have ignored all letters. I recently checked my credit file and there is no record of this card on there - is this because I never applied for the card, I was just offered it outright?


    should I continue ignoring the letters or when I get another one send CCA request? Many thanks.

  6. I have a payday loan with this company which i have defaulted on. I have cancelled by debit card so they cannot take payment. It is not a very large debt (originally £60 now over £100 with int and charges) but I cannot afford to pay it at the moment as my husband is currently out of work. I have received e-mails from them and I explained the situation. They then tried calling my mobile and then my workplace. This second phonecall was quite aggressive. the person said things like it was very poor on my part as a first time borrower etc. i asked him not to call my workplace and to remove the number from my file but he refused saying if they cannot get me on my home or mobile number they will carry on calling the office, even though i was adamant I cannot talk in working hours.


    I offered to pay £20 a month but he said they only do weekly repayment plans so i would have to pay £20 a week! I said I could pay £5 a week but he seemed to ignore this.


    I only want to deal with them by e-mail or post as I found his manner very unfriendly, how should I best go about this?

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