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Posts posted by antneb

  1. hi, ive spoken to payapl as they phoned to try and get me to clear my negative balance. i told them that as far as i was concerned i didnt owe them a penny so would be making any payment.

    so far still no payment but another email to say he will pay today (tues) as he has to put the money in his bank, so obviously he's spent it even though he knew it should have been returned. Im not banking on getting it back to be honest. ill give him this week and see where i stand.

  2. yeah via email. he asked if i wanted my goods back (which were new but he's now used them) or my payment again. i asked for my money.


    Am i right in thinking that now i have a personal email from him stating that he does owe me the money and he will return it that i have a stronger case should i need to take any action against him?

  3. Just an update on this situation. i heard from the buyer finally last night. it appears that he assumed that paypal would close the case even though he didnt inform them he'd received the goods. he also says he put the dispute in 3 days before delivery, which i know is untrue. apparently he is going to return the refund friday. i have to say im sceptical that this will actually happen though. we will see.

  4. its so frustrating isnt it? what happened with paypal did you just take the hit on the money?


    We had exactly the same and even though the buyer gave us positive feedback he put in a 'non received' dispute and PP refunded him. It became a massive hassle and we ended up dropping Ebay. (was £60)
  5. hi andydd. paypal have put my account into minus 195.00 but it now means that i cannot use that account because it is now a minus balance. ive sent him several emails and so have paypal when i complained but so far he has failed to reply to any of them, so its obvious he has no intention of returning the money.

  6. Last month i sold some sports equipment on ebay for £200. i have just gone to buy something only to find out that paypal have refunded the buyer his money. i have a tracking receipt and know it was delivered and signed for by him. Coincidentally on the same day that he put in a dispute saying he hadnt received his goods. hmmmm.


    as my paypal account is old the email address on their in redundant so i didnt receive the emails saying what was happening so i couldnt give them the postage details. when i asked them about this they pretty much said tough u should of checked your emails (which is true i suppose).


    however i am still £200 out of pocket and the buyer is sat on a full refund and has the goods ive posted. I have tried to contact him but to no reply. What has annoyed me the most is that the tracking times says it was delivered virtually the same time as he placed the dispute, almost to the minute which has got me suspicious.


    if i dont hear back from the guy, do i have any recourse? would a court claim be worth it?

  7. my elderly mum, shes 74, has gooten herself into a mess with various catalogues. i tired of listening to her being taken round in circles by these companies and shes getting no where. shes paying them as much as she can afford but whatever she pays they add more on each month in charges.


    ive finally got her to give me the statements and want to try get them sorted. the companies are the usual suspects, j d williams, kays and one called studio. shes just got a letter from studio saying teyve past in onto moorcroft and she can expect a doorstep visit...blah...blah. I know that this is all hot air but as you can imagine its scaring her.


    whats my best course of action? sar's? Ive tried speaking to the companies but you wont need me to tell you how those conversations went. i'm anxious to get this sorted for her as it really is starting to get her down.


    She also has a handfull of smaller debts less than £100 each. as the larger debts are having charges put on each month because they want ridiculous minimum payments, would it be an idea to not pay those as much for a while and redirect that money to clear the small one whilst just paying the larger ones say £5 each. if theyre going to throw charges on anyway?

  8. well i have a week left until my probation runs out. theyve told me i wont be kept on after that. my concern is that as technically i could go into work but have chosen not to even though i know it will cost me my job, could the jobcentre take that as ive quit and therefore refuse me any benefits?

  9. Im currently in the last few weeks of a 13 week probabtionary period at a new job. however due to a recurring back injury ive had think about taking two weeks on the sick. my employers have pretty much said that if i take this time off they wont be making me permanent. where does this leave me with re claiming job seekers? will i be able to claim again, or will they say it was my fault ive lost my job? carrying on working at the moment isnt really a viable option as its a fairly manual job and i am physically struggling.

  10. hi, just an update on the above account. after the several useless calls to the various customer services i took the advise and email neil berkett. he emailed back pretty quickly and said hed passed it onto his p.a. who would be intouch(here we go ithought, passsed around again.). she got straight on to me and resolved the issue, agreeing with what i said we owed and deducting a further £50 off my bill to compensate. just shows sometimes it pays to go to the top dog.

  11. hi, sidewinder thanks for the reply. i work in retail (supermarket). i have only been there 2 months, im still on my 13 week probationary period, this is what has me a little concerned. in that i dont want to make too much fuss but i need to balance that with not being ill managed. we are all new on the shift as its a new store. as for a contract we're all still waiting 8 weeks in.

  12. im a night shift worker, and my boss is always messing us about with the lateness of our rotas. we are never informed until a day or two before the next week starts of our working days. last week i got a text on saturday to tell me my week started the next day. its getting beyond a joke now...


    i have tried to find out my shifts this week just to be told'theyre with personel. i received a text today at 3pm to inform me that im rota'd to work tonight at 11. can they give me such short notice? ive had to refuse to go into work as i've gone to visit family overnight and was too far away to drive back. is it unreasonable on my part to think 'well, its sunday i have no idea what im working but im not gonna waste my time off waiting on the off chance they decide to tell me when im working?'


    i shouldnt be expected to be on 24 hour call to drop everything. i feel that they are taking advantage, there is only 7 of use on the shift and i know from previous experience that rota are that difficult for so few people as there is no sickness or holidays booked.


    anyway im expecting the manager to have words tomorrow and would appreciate any feed back so i can prepare what im going to say.

  13. ive just had a phone call from my bank (co op) to ask why im overdrawn. im about 60 overdrawn which is due to them taking charges off me. however im due to have my jsa go into my account on friday but this 60 od will eat half which i cannot afford. if i take a first right of appropriationletter in onn monday will this mean that they have to let me have my money when its paid in on friday?

  14. thanks for all the advice people, i really appreciate it. looks like me and my friend are going to be busy for the next few days.

    the health ans safety exec is a really good call, id of never even thought of them.


    hopefully we can get something done as it looks like the employers are more than happy to tolerate behaviour like this. when you think that this is a predominantly female workforce youd of thought that theyd take accusations such as this a little more seriously.

  15. i was talking to a female friend of mine who i used to work with today. she has unfortunately quit her job and i was wondering if you guys thought of the position she was put in. its a long story i apologise in advance.


    the place where we worked together (that i wont name but is a major high street shop) has a male supervisor who often crosses the line in the way he acts towards the girls, i have seen this first hand so know that its true. im a male myself so havent been on the recieving end. there was two girls inparticular that caught his eye and he pestered to the point of harassement, one of those being my friend. i was out with her one night about a year ago and in the space of around four hours she must of received around 20 texts none of which she replied to but they just kept coming. they contained nothing sexual just stuff like i thought we were friends so why are you ignoring me? etc.


    one of the girls put a complaint in against him and he was transfered to another store but no action was taken against him. after a few months he was brought back in and the girls after raising their concerns over this were just told tough find a way to work with him.


    the harassment of my friend started again then and when she rebuffed him she was then singled out having her work standards pulled aparta nd given all the rubbish jobs. eventually she put a formal complaint in and it was turned away. she felt she had no choice but to resign.


    so my question is this. if an employee makes a complaint of sexual harrassment against a member of senior staff who has previous simialr complaints from different people should it be taken a little more seriously than just dismissing and ignoring it? she stil has all the texts he sent and they just werent interested. is it worth taking it any further? would a letter to the hr manager be of any point?

  16. im having an ongoing dispute with virgin and its now gone td a dca. im not prepared to have the same conversation with them day after day so now no longer enter into discussion with them.is a sar the only way to get a copy of my contract as i want to check it through. i was with virgin mobile and i changed banks so cancelled my direct debit to swop it over to my new account. that months bill had been paid the week prior so was not in arrears but they cut me off. when i phoned they said it was because i cancelled my direct debit. i gave them my new details there to start in my new account but they refused to reconnect me until i paid my newxt bill, even though it wasnt due for a few more weeks. i didnt think i should have to pay as the account wasnt in arrears and i paid on time so why should i pay the following months 3 weeks early just because i changed banks. when they refused to reconnect me and after thinking it over for a few days i cancelled the debit again, as i wasnt prepared to pay the next bill after not having the service provided.now its gone to a dca who want the remainder of my contract which is about 7-8 months worth.

  17. its actually my mums account i look after here bills and stuff as shes a pensioner. im tempted to just send them one quid a month after the way theyre treating her. threatening a women in her 70's with court over a bill she doesnt even owe them is dispicable. i now that itll never go to court but its still scary for her when theyre saying the usual scare words like, home visit and the magic could word. it could lead to court, it could lead to bailifs removing property. they have no conscience.

  18. really? what is my best course of action then regards this? this is the situation. i informed them in april i wanted to leave my tv/broadband and telephone subs. they gave me a termination date of may 16th. they then cut me off as agreed and before i could pay mays bill they sent me one for june for a further full months fees. when i queried they said that because i had an outstanding payment (which i dont deny) they added another months bill on, but if i paid just what i owed for may the extras wouldnt be owed. i asked for a bill then for just what i owed and the refused. they then sent me a bill for july. when i rang them again they said "just pay may and the rest doesnt matter". i asked for a bill for just what i owed and again they said no its ok just pay may and the rest isnt owed. i dont trust them enough to do that and said i want a bill just for the amount we both agree that i owe. The response to that was"we are not going to send anything in writing but if you dont pay the may bill it will go to a dca, who will collect the full amount". which has happened. bhow can they chase me for a 2 months fees that they have agreed that i dont owe? surely that cant be correct. whats why i wanted to get my contract from them. im not prepared to pay for something ive not had as they cut me off when we both agreed they would.

  19. i requested a cca from virgin after a dispute over ending my subscription. the 14 days have elapsed and ive had no response from them. am i correct in now sending a dispute letter? i also received a letter from moorcroft collections last week in regards to this, do i send the letter to virgin or moorcroft? the initial cca was sent to virgin as the dca had not become involved at that point. if i do put the account in dispute where do i stand legally with this debt?

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