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Posts posted by shaun10

  1. Thanks, I can't as we share bathrooms in a house with complex tenancy/licensing arrangements.


    Did you ask and/or get any money back because, in view of the recent case, you should?




    Sadly No I don't think I will as it was 8 years ago when I saw what they where charging me and having moved from another LA Area out of a HA property were I had, had a meter Installed I thought No way was I paying what they were asking at that time and hence asked them and got permission. Applying now I doubt if I would and for the amount of time (months) not worth it I don't think. Having said that my HA are looking and advising people to ask about water meters.

  2. Very interesting, do you know if this applies to Housing Associations as well as Councils?




    Yes this Did and Does Apply to my HA. (North East Area)



    When I moved in I had to get there permission to Install a water meter. Upon getting this Permission it was installed with in 2 months so now saving on what I would pay as a Non tenant and also saving what they took off as a so called admin charge. Approx. £100 plus a year as I can't recall now what the Admin fee was.



    If in Doubt write to them asking for permission to install a meter and see what happens . Good Luck

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