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Posts posted by mistral_blue

  1. Hi guys and girls,


    Hoping for a little advice if I may. I've done some googling and reading of this and other threads on the forum and think the IGNORE tactic may be suitable but I'd just like some other opinions if possible please? We've got 9wk old twins to deal with at the moment, so not masses of free time to look into things, so I'd appreciate any help with the above!


    We recently received a ticket from Total Parking Solutions after a stay in Swindon Halfords car park recently


    The facts:


    Reason for issue - "Left the premises" (which we indeed did do, although we returned and shopped in both Halfords and the Range, which the car park serves) before returning to our vehicle


    Mitigation - we have receipts to prove that we shopped in the above stores (however, they do show from the times that we stayed longer than we should have - they have recently changed the limit from 2h to 90 mins which we failed to notice on the signs way above our heads!)


    We have since returned and taken photos of the signs and it does say in small print that you must not leave the premises (which I think is frankly ridiculous). The car park is free (not pay and display) and the rules have changed recently as it hasn't always been like this.


    The question: Is the above enforceable? I know we were longer than we should have been due to the kids, but the reason for ticket issue was us having "Left the premises". This really infuriates me as basically they must have parking Nazis sat watching... That said, how do they prove it, other than through CCTV perhaps? As I mentioned previously, I have proof that we shopped there, although unfortunately that then drops us in it over the times (unless I black them out!). From the bits I have read, you have to effectively agree to the 'contract' for them to be able to fine you, otherwise it's only if you have done 'damage while on private land'.


    In summary: Part of me just thinks I should pay up the £60 (we're past the £40 early payment phase) but the militant part of me is absolutely furious :-x at the audacity and sheer unfairness of the system. I could understand if we'd left the vehicle there all day and not used the stores the car park serves, but with such pathetic and unclear signs and such a questionable offence of 'leaving the premises', I am equally just thinking of going down the IGNORE - Prove it route - I am prepared to go to court, if it is winnable, if not, I'll just pay up and save the hassle!


    Answers and advice on a postcard please...





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