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Posts posted by nosleep09

  1. oh sorry , i hold the car at another address (not sure how i ended up writing that :) ). Right If you take out a insurance policy, the person who owns the bvehicle (the person whoes name is on the V5) has to be the main account holder. I owned the vehicle but wasn't listed as the main account holder, which is supposed to be illegal yet somehow they were still happy to take my money even though i may not have been covered

  2. Hi guys


    Bit of a messy car insurance claim. I purchased a vehicle which i got myself insured as a second driver and my mother the main driver (I’ve since been told this is illegal and the company should never have allowed this in the first place) i moved address and my mum has moved address but she forgot to change the address with the insurance company, so in effect the insurance policy is registered in my mums name, at our old address, i won the car, at another address. i took the car to a garage to get it serviced and the car was stolen from the garage, I’ve now found out the garage has no insurance. The police found the car burnt out. Personally i think I’m screwed when it comes to my insurance claim, have i got any hope?

  3. hey all,


    i live in an area which has recently been built up, alot of new flats have been sold and in a short space of time alot of people have moved into the area, but no extra parking has been provided meaning most nights im forced to park on a single yellow line, which by law i can park on between the hours of 6pm-8pm. the car is usually moved by 8.30 as that is when i leave for work, however yesterday when i left my house at 8.30 i found a parking ticket which had been issued 5 minutes early, wasn't too happy but was prepared to pay it. when i got back fom work still no parking available so i parked in the same spot (stupid i know) assuming that as i'd been parking there for so long previously what were the chances of te patrolmen doing the same roads 2 days in a row, but desided i would try and leave early just incase. so i got out of my house at 08.08 only to find that a second ticket had been issued. the partolman had spotted my car at 08.01 and issued the ticket at 08.06, im guessin the a***ole had spotted my car even before his shift began and just wanted to teach me a lesson.

    now the first ticket is bad enough but the second ticket and the timing of it really p***ed me off and ive decided to contest it. i was wondering if anybody could give me some advice, thanks


    the council is bristol and i was parked on one yellow line, (just went out to have a look at the parking restrictions sign and it is highly faded and barely visable unless you stand right up close directly infront of it)


    any advice would be most appreciated

  4. 10 years ago i bought a tv from currys which i agreed to pay for in installments as i and my mother weere told by the salesman that they had a special offer on the tv where if i payed for it in a set amount of time there would be no interest on top. as i was 16 at the time my mother had to sign the contract. when looking at the contract i saw saw a box with some figures in it, i think it was about £50, cant remember exactly what else it said in the box. i asked the salesman if it meant that is what we would be charged, he told me to ignore that box as it would not be applicable on this particular item, so we signed. :( . i payed the installments, i payed the installments and thought that was that. then we started getting letters about paying for the remainder of the tv, two and two together and it turned out that the salesman had lied and so we refused to pay on the principle that we had been mislead. the letters eventually stopped comming until two weeks ago we received a letter from GE capital saying that we owed them £400 for this item and to stop bailffs comming we would have to arrange payment. they stated that if we payed within 2 months then they would take %50 off but £200 is still 4 times a much as what they originally demanded. i dont want to conceed defeat but i think i may have to. is there any way that i could reduce what i owe further. i know its nothing compared to the debt that some people find themselfs in but i just hate that fact that im paying for trusting a salesman

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