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Posts posted by LewisLondon

  1. i wont go into too much deatil as it seems we are all having the same problems .. what i want to know is as they have my account details and debit card details how do i stop them taking the money out without changing my bank account ?? thanks Vickie


    Phone your bank, tell them that your card has been compromised and then you can cancel that DD they put on your account, make a payment when the new card arrives.


    I finally sorted mine out, paid .. All cleared and I'm never borrowing again from one of these companies.

  2. I've used them, I lost my debit card, transferred £100 which they were reluctant to give me their bank details at first, then I transferred this over thinking hey that's fine sorted.


    However.. I was wrong, I then checked my bank to see they had returned it to me the full amount of which I had paid.


    So I called, e-mailed everything transferred £100 to them and told them I'm paid this Wednesday they said yes that's fine we won't charge you extra.. I've got £156 to pay this Wednesday and I'm hoping this is it.. NEVER TAKE A LOAN FROM THESE PEOPLE PLEASE!!! Borrow from a friend or family member.. pay them a little bit more interest back not like these people who can't even reply to e-mails because they've got "lost" as I've been told.. how does an e-mail get "lost"!?!?!? :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:


    I'll update you all on Wednesday..




    Lewis :|

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