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Posts posted by lawandorder

  1. Thanks once again for the answers, and that case law you highlight does raise a valid point however my circumstances are slightly different to those you describe.


    I am not denying that I am the liable person, I have in fact filled in all the right forms in an effort to identify myself as the liable person...I actually want to pay the bill.


    I would be perfectly entitled to pay the bill if it were in anybody else's name but I changed my name by deed poll and the document I signed expressly forbids entering into any transactions if they are in the my old name.


    Personally I can think of no reason why the council can't simply change the name they have on the bill, perhaps they will, but I'm not holding my breath!

  2. You don't say what your dispute is. To contest liability there are only a few grounds and the decision when made is a simple yes or no answer. As to the question of costs unless the Council have made an absolute mess of things I would think it likely you would get not a lot.




    Thanks for the reply Ploddertom, I didn't mention the nature of the dispute because it didn't seem particuarly relevant but I will now.


    I moved into a propert recently and immediately downloaded and completed a form detailing my name, address, date of commencement of tenancy and date I moved in. I sent the form along with a covering letter (on headed paper, again detailing my name). In response I received a council tax bill in the wrong name, not a simple spelling mistake but an entirely wrong name, it is in fact a name I used to be known as but as I haven't had an account with this LA for years that is hardly relevant I don't think.


    I wrote to the council but also called them...they said I needed to provide proof of my name change as if they send me a bill with the wong name on it I could use it to commit fraud!


    Knowing the coucil as I do I suspect we will quickly reach a stalemate as I clealry cannot pay the bill in the name they have used so I suspect they will keep sending letters in the wrong name until a liability order is applied for at which point I will go to court and hopefully win.


    I just don't want to go to court if it's going to cost me money and I imagine costs will be awarded against me if I lose so I wondered how to go about recovering costs if I win.

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