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Posts posted by dunequeen

  1. Hi

    Does any body know how long it takes to add a new childcare provider to a claim? my friend put her son into nursery back in January and has only just informed tax credits - she told them he started in june - this was over the telephone just over a week ago

    The reason for this is he wasnt settleing well and she thought she would have to pull him out - so her mum was helping her with the fee's - rather then her claim via tax credit them pull him out and have to cancel him off the claim again- he has now settled and her mum isnt able to help her with the fee's due to being made redundant

    so she has asked for childcare help via taxcredits - she is worried sick now as she told them he started in June but it was it was January - she is a single parent of two - and is worried they will investigate her if they ring nursery to confirm he attends etc etc its only £26.00 a week she pays to nursery

  2. Hiya

    I cant really be of much help - but i know when i rang the tax office r.e address - they told me tax credits, child benefit are all notified of any changes - so not quite sure why child benefit didnt update records accordingly. The tax office said i didnt have to contact them individually as they all talk - all my details have been changed, so you could possible use that info towards your case.

  3. Hiya

    Thats what im a bit concerned about as i havent had any letters form them first - i always thought they had to write to you first before they started any kind of review??? Maybe its hmrc regarding my tax code then and what ive paid etc - i wish i was that lucky and get a rebate - knowing my luck my employer hasnt deducted enough tax and N.I from me :-(

  4. Hiya

    Thats what i thought. I havent had any letters from them at all. Was thinking it was maybe t.credits crossing checking my info but i renewed for this year back in May?? i was on smp for 9 months so paid minimal tax - just thought it was weird to ask if i still worked at my employment and if the company had changed the PAYE no - surely they would see i am paying tax and N.I from their records?

  5. Hiya

    They rang my mobile number witheld then literally two seconds later my boss phone rang number witheld and it was HMRC - We have caller i.d on the work phones - hate things like this - im not lucky enough for it to be something like a rebate :-(

  6. Hi

    Just wondered if anyone could shed any light on this one

    HMRC rang my employer asking if i still worked there and had our-(work) PAYE number changed?? They rang my mobile first but i missed the call.

    Ive been with my current employer over 4 years and recntly returned from m.leave.

    Im panicing now as my tax/n.i contributions seem low - im worried im going to get stung with not paying enough tax and n.i due to SMP etc

    im single mum and receive working tax family tax no other benefits

    PLEASE anyone had anything simular????

  7. hi

    just wondered if anyone could shed any light on this one. I returned to work in April following maternity leave of 9 months - i was working 30 hours per week before m.leave but when i went back i requested to do 20 hours 5 day week. This was agreed but now i want to chage to a four day week - meaning a working week of around 17.25 hour week. I want to do this as my mum-in-law is struggeling having my kids on her own 5 days a week. I dont want to and cant afford to put them in nursery and i work in a different town to where i live.

    Just wondered what my rights were - i know i can only make 1 application per year for Work Life Balance - but can they sack me if they do agree to let me reduce my hours again if they decide they can do withot me? ive been there 4 years??

  8. Hiya

    Well i have wrote to them and explained my situation and that i can not get any of the information they have asked for and my current health issues etc - i sent the letter recorded delivery. I rang the women on my letter to ask if she had received my letter, she said yes she had received it, but hadnt had chance to go through it, So now i have the awful time of waiting - watching my mobile every 2 minutes - dreading the postman coming with brown envelopes.

    I know its my own stupidness but i didnt do it for greed, literally to pay my rent and feed my children.


    Thanks for your support - will keep you posted on the outcome.


  9. Hi

    i know i am in the wrong and should have told them before - there is no excuse for it. My child attending nursery sine 2003 but left in Jan 2010 - but when it came to renewing claim in April 2010 i said she was still there - i.e no change of circumstance, i know, i know bang out of order!! im a single mum and have debt beyond belief - still not an excuse! i did ring in Oct 2010 to say she had left now and they paid me an extra 4 weeks "run on" i said but shes not there and they were like oh its fine your allowed it???? So basically claimed from Jan2010-Oct2010

    My nursery has since now closed and no longer runs - i think that because the nursery closed when she was supposidly there this has caused the investigation.

    i have now been sent a letter from Tax Credit compliance asking me to provide details of childcare invoices and a contract etc for a period of 3 months - 2010-2011. i was never given a contract from day 1 by the nursery and rarely received an invoice. I havent got any of this info - but my daughter did attend nursery from the age of 18months approx. Ofsted were always at the nursery and were not happy how it was ran


    I am at my witts end, i feel so sick. I know its my own fault and i shouldnt have done it, there is now buts or excuses. I am depressed and am on prosac.


    What shall i do?????

    please help -

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