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Posts posted by Panipal2009

  1. As per the title, I was informed approx 4 weeks ago that my JSA was going to be sanctioned for four weeks...however, I have never yet received anything in writing to confirm these sanctions or to inform me of the duration of the sanctions, the only information concerning the sanctions has been given verbally while I was attending the Jobcentre (having been led to understand that the sanctions would last only four weeks but my money was stopped completely for two weeks...I was told that the sanctions would take effect for the four weeks following the two-week stoppage...this is why it's especially aggravating to have received nothing in writing, it has not been adequately explained to me why the JSA should be stopped completely prior to the sanctions kicking in).I have Googled around but have been unable to find any actual confirmation that I should be expecting a letter to inform me that my JSA was to be sanctioned, I collected an appeal form from the Jobcentre which had a section in which I need to give the date of the letter, which leads me to the conclusion that I should in fact have received a letter.Am I correct in this (that a letter should have been sent)? Is there anything I can do to ensure a letter explainng the sanctions is sent out?

  2. What sort of contract do you have? It's a 6 month tenancy

    What sort of shared facilities do you have> Bathroom, open-plan kitchen/living space

    How many rooms in the property, and pressume LL does not live on the premises. 5 rooms (2 bedrooms, kitchen/living room, main bathroom, storage cupboard), LL lives in Hampshire (property is in Durham)

    Go and see agent and get it sorted, take ad with you. I've sent an email to the previous agent (with whom I agreed the tenancy) and am still awaiting a reply.

    It would be logical that if there are shared facilities, kitchen, lounge, toillet etc. the rent includes for utilities or which the LL pays. Whos name is on the bills or utility account, should give you a clue? I have received bills addressed to the previous tenant, which leads me to believe the previous tenant had to set up accounts with the utility companies...of course I cannot be certain whether they were renting on the same basis as me i.e. the LL promising bills included in rent.


    Please see above

  3. Having troubles with a landlord...basically he'd advertised two rooms seperately in a ground floor flat, he's been advertising them via property agents (on their websites*) as including bills with the rent, which is why I moved into one of the rooms.

    However, a month later I come home to find a turn-off notice from the local water company...they wanted to come in and turn the water off because (A) they didn't know whether the property was empty, which leads to (B) it turns out that no-one's been paying water charges since last July (I'm not sure whether this affected the previous tenant). I.e. the landlord hasn't made any arrangements to cover any of the bills that the original property agent assured me were included with the rent (gas/electric/water/council tax).

    Basically I've only really got verbal assurance that bills are covered, the ordinary tenancy agreement that I signed makes me liable for bills. I've phoned him and emailed him, when I phoned him he told me that I needed to get in touch with the property agent to deal with the bills, even though the full rent is paid directly into his bank account via standing order. He hasn't replied to any of my emails on this matter so I have nothing in writing. I've also been onto the property agent he uses now (not long into my tenancy, he decided to stop dealing with the original agent and deal with another) to see whether they'd send me confirmation of the bills being included in the rent...of course their reply contains no such confirmation.

    I'm not sure whether the landlord advertising the rent as including bills, but making no effort to ensure the bills are paid, is fraud or not. What can I do about this, given that I've signed a tenancy agreement that makes me liable for bills despite the terms of the advertisement (yes, I know I should have read it more carefully before I signed it...but I don't think that excuses the landlord from lying and leaving me up s*** creek with the bills)?*Though I have saved the advertisement for the other room in the place which specifies that the rent includes bills (saved in case the property agents themelves are duplicitous enough to edit that bit out).

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