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Posts posted by Oscarpelo

  1. There is only one digital display which shows a either a small number 1 or 4 before the units used reading. The 1 is displayed at daytime and the 4 early in the moring when I checked (6.20am). On the meter case it says 1N and 4L. So I assume night units is 4 and L means Low rate, 1 and N must mean Normal rate. I think the meter reader assumed N meant Night.

  2. Many thanks silverfox1961, I had looked on the Southern Electric web site but could not find anything. They still have a loophole to claim back more than 12 months if you have knowingly underpaid, I bet it will be a case of the customer having to prove they didn't know. I will contact them to sort it out. Thanks again for your help.

  3. Thanks for your replies. I found the bill from when the meter was fitted, both readings were zero, so it is the fault of the meter readers. Unfortunately, my supplier, Southern Electric does not seem to have signed up to the code, so I guess they could demand payment for all three years!

    As most of my units used are day units (2:1) it will be a significant amount I will owe. Strange thing is my bills are not low compared to my inlaws, theirs are a fraction of mine.

  4. Hi. I had a new electric meter installed (previous E7 meter was said to be old and needed replacing) about 3 years ago, with a new digital one. I was checking my bill the other day and found the meter display changes at night to presumably the Economy 7 meter and back to the Normal meter display in the morning. But on checking my bill I notice the readings are transposed - they are charging me the cheaper night rate for the day and the full rate for the night. They appear to have been doing this since installing the meter. As they replaced all our estate at the same time I wonder if everyone elses is the same or just mine.

    I feel I should tell them about it but am worried they will then bill me for several thousands of pounds as I have not been paying the right amount for 3 years. I estimate it would make my bill over 3 times more expensive. However, if I leave it and they find out later I could owe them much more. Can they back charge me? As it is their mistake and they have already billed me would it be legal? If a shop sold me something at the wrong price I don't think they could legally chase you for the extra after the money has changed hands.

    Any advice on the legal implications would be welcome.


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