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Posts posted by Damien.

  1. Guys, I already have a thread going here in which I am hoping to claim on PPI.


    Anyway. I have found my original loan agreements with welcome. It looks like my initial one in 2007 doesnt have PPI attached but two years later when I was in need of a £800 cash advance, it magically appeared. Whats scared me is the interest charge in the 2nd agreement, compared to that in the original.


    How has it climbed so drastically !?


    The other thing is, for the first two years I was meeting my repayments of £105 per month. Initially for the first few months of the second agreement I was meeting the repayments of £179. It was only in 2010 I started to struggle and came to an arrangement to pay them £90 per month. Going on minimum figures, I have paid welcome over £5k ! how come I am still paying this damn loan off !


    Damn wont let me post pictures, i will try to replicate the figures.

  2. Hi all, new user here so go easy on me.


    Many years ago, I foolishly took out a loan for £2500 with Welcome Financial. I can't remember exactly when the agreement was taken out but I recall 2005/2006. Unfortunately, I cannot place my hands on the original paper work as we were victims of a house fire about 2 years ago which resulted in the loss of personal items.


    To this day, I am paying these useless bunch of inbreeds £90 a month, of which, I am struggling to afford after going back into full time education and having to pay for my own house. Basically, I have heard of people reclaiming fees applied to accounts and money paid on miss sold PPI.


    Please, could I have some help. I would love to find out whether I can claim some of my hard earned money back.


    Thanks in advance.



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