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Posts posted by jck

  1. Brilliant, I tried ringing this am, the guy who is dealing with my case is on hol until next Tuesday, no one else can deal with my case, another week of stress, sleepless nites & not eating, god knows what this is doing to this baby, I am trying so hard not to worry but I can't, any advice on what I can do until then, is there a letter I can write to say what I have done or do I have to speak to them over the phone?





  2. thanks for you're help, I am preparing myself to ring them tomorrow, just hope they don't cancel my claim and make me do another :(

    What an awful weekend, can't wait for this to just all be sorted and never be in this mess again xx

  3. Thank u 4 your response again, I will phone them Tuesday just have to try and figure out what to say as I don't know how to go about these sorts of things, do I just say, I claimed for longer than I should have, I will pay back in installments?

    Do you know if I will still be allowed to claim tax credits?


    Thanks xx

  4. Thank u 4 your response, do u think I should let CAB ring them or would I be ok to just ring them and explain on Tuesday, I am just so so worried and can't function so just desperately want to know what is going to happen to me. If my claim is stopped I will loose my home, I only work part time so can't live without my tax credits. I know all of this is my fault I just want to get it sorted before anything else bad happens.


    Thanks again xx

  5. Thank u for your reply, will they start an investigation or do I just phone them and explain I failed to tell them in time (as soon as i realised in march I did phone & cancel the child care claim) before I recieved this letter so will that go in my favour?

    How will I have to pay it back in 1 lump sum or will they take money from my tax credits or will this be stopped now?


    Thank u very much for helping, this feels like the longest weekend ever, wish I had the letter Friday so I could have rang then. xx

  6. I have recieved a letter this weekend from the compliance team asking me to send in receipts for my childcare between 2010 - 2011

    My childcare stopped last september however I completely forgot and didn't tell them until March this year. My childcare costs were on ave 50 a week, I am now really frightened of being sent to prison and I don't know what to do, I can't even speak to anyone until Tuesday which is a nitemare. I am preganant with my 2nd child & fear I am harming the baby by over stressing.


    Please can anyone help.......xx

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