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Posts posted by l.boo

  1. still no input on this? I sent back the documents with the total scored out and amended to the amount liable without charges and they have taken the £75 cheque i enclosed to have the vehicle collected.. now theres been no contact regards the car being picked up and they've now sent repeat paperwork saying that if i want to continue with the termination of my agreement i must sign all documentation to agree that i am liable for the amount plus charges.. this is driving me nuts and they've drawn this out into a 2nd month now!

  2. Also, should i hold off sending documents back for VT (i really dont want to as i want things to move as quickly as possible) but as part of the VT it has a total amount which i have to sign that i owe them and this amount includes the £700+ of collection charges and interest... not sure where to go with this but ideally want the VT done asap so i am not paying yet another months payment.


    thanks in advance guys

  3. Hello,


    Wanted to pick the brains of you very knowledgeable CAG forum members and ask about a situation i'm in at the moment.


    Have a car on HP with Black Horse, have paid more than half and have VT'ed before with no problems so asked for paperwork to be sent out. Finally got the second lot of paperwork and found the liability amount to be a LOT more than i'd thought it should be.


    Due to circumstances there has been times during this agreement where there has been some late payments and on occasion with permission from BH have paid half the monthly instalment rather than the full amount.. With this in mind i knew that there would be these arrears to pay as part of the liability when VT'ing.. today though i called and have been told that there is over £700 worth of 'collection activity charges' and interest which is part of the liability amount.


    Whenever i called about struggling to pay in the past they were very polite and i vaguely remember them saying about charges and how they can (at their discretion) come to an arrangement for some charges to be wiped at the end of the agreement (they were presuming this would be when i have paid in full).


    I wanted to ask where i stand here as this is a huge amount of charges all for sending out some letters to say i'm behind in payments.. :| Can i ask for these to be refunded?? I dont feel like i'm in a very favourable position as I'm sure they dont like people VT'ing as it is without asking for some nice juicy charges to be taken off also.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated..



  4. OK guys.. I decided to reply to iQor with a slightly upped offer. The reply arrived this morning saying the following:

    'upon checking our records we find that the account has been transferred for collection on a door-to-door basis. Therefore all arrangements and payments must be made with our collector who will call in due course.'


    AHEM.. I do not think so. I have enough to deal with without some dirt-bag debt collector calling at my door.


    Please could someone point me in the direction of what letter i should reply with. I had kind of thought i was in control but this kind of crap really makes me anxious.



    (Also note that I am in Scotland so i'm guessing the laws are different with regards to doorstep collection up here)

  5. Thanks for the quick reply rebel.. I made sure to put 'without prejudice' on both of my letters :)


    The link in your sig doesnt appear to be working, i get 'Invalid Blog specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator'


    I guess i will up my offer to iQor and see what they say and perhaps I should wait until the halifax cc debt has gone past albion and onto a real life DCA to make an offer again??

  6. Hello..


    After looking online and finding various forum threads re: full and final settlements i recently decided to offer my creditors 20% of my balances.


    The two which i wrote to are both to do with HBOS.


    My first is an overdraft which i forgot about and the outstanding balance is £718.77 this is with iQor and they have wrote back saying that my settlement amount is not acceptable but that they would accept £540. I can't manage this payment and the letter states that they must recieve the payment within 14 days otherwise the full balance will stand and no further offers will be made. What do i do here? Obviously less is best but i am not in a position to pay £540. Could anyone guide me to a template for negotiating back (even if it looks like they wont negotiate at all!)


    The other is my HBOS credit card which I have fallen behind on and is with Albion (i didnt know they were in-house!) and they have informed me that it is not company policy to accept anything other than the amount due which is approx £1600. What should i reply to them? Afterall the very same company are offering me a reduced settlement, albeit not as reduced as i need it to be, on another account.


    I'm really perplexed now and I'm very unsure what steps to take next.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank-you :)

  7. Hi there,


    Just wanted to pick someones brain about my HP agreement for my current car.. I'm thinking of VT'ing it as i will have paid half way soon but something has niggled me from the start. The HP Agreement with Black Horse is for a car that is not mine. The dealership must of made a typo and the reg is a letter wrong and so a completely different make, model etc.


    At one point i got into difficulty with payments and had a nasty "doorstep collector" calling my phone after some rather rude remarks about him supposedly coming to collect the car from my workplace i said that he probably wouldnt be able to find it as its not the same car on the agreement. Since then I made a small payment plan with Black horse and my partner informed them of the correct car details when they called to ask about it. I got a simple 'thanks for updating us' letter which now has all my vehicles details on it, though no revised agreement.


    Where would i stand with regards to this agreement? Is it enforceable as the car thats on the original paperwork is nothing to do with me and they (i presume) would not be able to take my car?..


    Kinda curious and also if there was a way for me to VT sooner than in 3 months that would be great.. or keep the car without paying that'd be fab lol I can but dream! :lol:


    Some insight into this would be great..

    Thanks in advance


  8. Hi there,


    Just looking for a little advice.


    I have several debts that i have managed to deal with by way of payment plans that are now in place but I have neglected a second bank account that I have and the overdraft fees have gone crazy and have now been passed to a debt collection agency. The amount accrued is nearly £700 as a result of £5 per day charges for unauthorised overdraft fees. The other account i have with the bank (HBOS) is where my sole income (benefits only) has never been touched apart from a £65 Direct Debit to the account thats overdrawn that was set up to try and reduce the account of fees. Despite this the amount has gone to a DCA and i cant bring myself to answer the phone when they call and i'm now recieving several texts per day from the company also.


    I would be very grateful if someone could shine some light on whether or not i am able to ask the bank to write off these charges as I'm single and on nothing but benefits with two children one of whom is disabled. Or whether it has gone too far now that I must now arrange to pay via the DCA.


    I'm not sure why i fall to pieces when it comes to my 'real' bank as I've sorted council tax repayments etc, i'm probably just scared they will shut my account and i'll be left pennyless!


    I live in Scotland incase that would affect any advice people are giving.


    Please Help!

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