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Posts posted by Confusedgirl2

  1. Thankyou Raydetinu, but actually I posted all that (long-worded though it may be) because I thought it might be helpful to anyone who has been harrassed. The changing of your phone number might be what helps. Then, once the harrasser gets your new number and harrasses you again, the fact that you felt you needed to change your phone number and then the harrasser got your new phone number is good evidence for the Police of the harrassment. That is what the Police officer told me worked for me anyway. I wonder how possible it is to change the work phone number. I don't know why the harrassing emails are not good enough for the Police though!

  2. Hello. This is my first post on here. I've been searching for advice on getting an injunction myself. 8-)I hope you are getting on ok, Sisternumber1. You and / or others might this useful to know. I was being harrassed and stalked by my ex boyfriend years ago. He was telephoning and texting my family members whose numbers he had secretly written down from a list on my Mum's wall when we were togeather at my Mum's, he was turning up at my workplace, he was turning up t my Mum's, he was grabbing me in the street, he was physically violent and controlling when he was in a relationship with me.


    The Policeman I spoke to dealt with it straight away and my ex was phoned and given a warning which my ex took note of, and my ex boyfriend has left me alone ever since. What I don't know is why the difference between the ease with which I managed to get a result, and your ongoing struggle and hardship.


    It might be because I CHANGED MY MOBILE TELPHONE NUMBER before my ex found out my new MOBILE TELEPHONE NUMBER and carried on contacting me. The Policeman was sympathetic and said I looked shaken, but one point he made was that I had a good case because I changed my phone number and then he found out my number and contacted me again. It might be that you must change your work telephone number before the Police start to take you more seriously. I am not denying what a nuisance that could be. Is that possible for you, to change your work telephone number?


    It sounds like things are getting better for you anyway as she has been charged for criminal harrassment. How did you manage to get a Solicitor who would take it on in the end? I understand that you are still being contacted via the internet, but at least the Police and a Soliocitor are listening and doing something now.

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