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Posts posted by RuffianXion

  1. A while ago I made what I thought was an 'enquiry' online with this firm. A few days later I received a letter saying that my loan application had been accepted, and asking for a broker's fee of £59 to process the application. Since I had given very few details on the 'enquiry' form, I thought this a little fishy, so called the number on the letter to get more details.


    I asked the lady who answered if I had indeed been accepted for a loan because I didn't want to pay an admin fee and then find that there would be a further approval process to go through. She told me that, as long as I took my loan through their lenders, the loan was indeed guaranteed. She then offered to take my payment details for the fee over the phone. I declined, saying that I would prefer to wait until I had received a letter to confirm in writing what she had just told me. Unsurprisingly, no such letter was forthcoming.


    Some weeks later however, I received a letter saying that my loan was still accepted, and that the fee had now been dropped to £45. I again called the number to speak to an advisor. I said that I had a loan acceptance letter and would like to take up the offer.


    This time the first thing the lady said to me was, "Do you realise that we cannot guarantee a loan?"


    Seems they are learning...:!:

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