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Posts posted by mollymandy

  1. Hi Again

    Yes you are right about the solictor I am not ingoring them just wondered if anyone had been through a similar thing and could give me any advice on the matter and when and if it goes to court Im not highly educated and dont what them coming out with there big words that I do not understand, So I was just trying to understand the council rules on how many days do they have to visit potholes before fixing them, How the defect was not picked up and not on the report but it had a yellow ring round it ? just things like that etc

    Once again many thanks

  2. Thanks Conniff for your reply

    Yes they carried on to take the photos even though the council worker was not happy about it

    when the inspectors took there photos the hole was 19mm so they say that is acceptable but there photos was taken five months after the accident so they still left a 19mm hole after filling it in ?

    What do you mean about different ball game because of the yellow ring ?? How long do they have to sort the hole out once they have put the yellow ring round it ??

    Thanks for the google maps tip but you cannot tell what date there images was taken


    Thanks everyone for your help/tips/comments

  3. Thank you for your replys

    I will try to google that rebel11 one question how do i know what date the google maps are ??


    Sorry ganymede have i done worng by asking questions on here ??

    The solictor has sent me the Inspection report just trying to understand the report I could ask the solictors advise to read through it with me just asking other peoples view


    The hole was nearly 2.5 inches deep


    Thank you both for your replys

  4. Hello

    Ive posted this already but think it was in the worng forum so sorry about that

    Any help advise plz

    I was walking back from the shop when my foot got caught in a pothole and i went full force to the ground landing on my knee, There was no street ligths on that side of the road it was dark and the days that followed i got to find out it was a metal pole sign that was protruding from the pavement where a sign had been ripped out by a car hitting the sign two years before, I was taken to hostipal where a xray showed i had fractured my patella i was in compete agony i had to have a emergency op, Since then it has been a nightmare ive gone on to have five more ops over two years my patella fractured again lots of pain, I cannot walk to work the stand for 8 hours my knee just will not take it im now living a depressing life on benfits which i really hate because at the moment I cannot go back to work


    I didn't used to believe in compensation claims but as a result of my accident I have lost income, My Confidence and I am suffering a lot of day to day pain and discomfort.


    The council deny liability saying prior to the accident no defect was recorded at the place concerned, No other complaints between the last inspection and the accident The pavement is inspected every 183 days


    Myolictor got the investigation report for the past two years but the solictors said the defect records are hard to follow will if he cant follow them can not

    The sign post was missing after the car hit it for nearly two years this is a very public pavement that is rigth next to a school surely thats not rigthhaving a hole and metal sticking out of the ground for two years, The solictor said its got something to do with a yellow ring round. The councils insurance sent there inspector out to photograph the hole he said it was only 19mm but the photo was taken five months after the addicent the hole was filled in three days after the accident so on the inspectors photo it does not show the hole



  5. Hello

    Any help advise plz

    I I was walking back from the shop when my foot got caught in a pothole and i went full force to the ground landing on my knee, There was no street ligths on that side of the road it was dark and the days that followed i got to find out it was a metal pole sign that was protruding from the pavement where a sign had been ripped out by a car hitting the sign two years before, I was taken to hostipal where a xray showed i had fractured my patella i was in compete agony i had to have a emergency op, Since then it has been a nightmare ive gone on to have five more ops over two years my patella fractured again lots of pain, I cannot walk to work the stand for 8 hours my knee just will not take it im now living a depressing life on benfits which i really hate because at the moment I cannot go back to work


    I didn't used to believe in compensation claims but as a result of my accident I have lost income, My Confidence and I am suffering a lot of day to day pain and discomfort.


    The council deny liability saying prior to the accident no defect was recorded at the place concerned, No other complaints between the last inspection and the accident The pavement is inspected every 183 days


    Myolictor got the investigation report for the past two years but the solictors said the defect records are hard to follow will if he cant follow them can not

    The sign post was missing after the car hit it for nearly two years this is a very public pavement that is rigth next to a school surely thats not rigthhaving a hole and metal sticking out of the ground for two years, The solictor said its got something to do with a yellow ring round. The councils insurance sent there inspector out to photograph the hole he said it was only 19mm but the photo was taken five months after the addicent the hole was filled in three days after the accident so on the inspectors photo it does not show the hole



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