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Posts posted by Tiggertastic

  1. I signed up with experian back in 2009.


    Never had a problem until November last year. Now my credit file is looking rather odd.


    I did have my current bank account and current loan on there, but they've myseriously disapperared? My three mobile broadband arrangement was on there but that's now gone too.


    I have a default from natwest dated 04/2007 three times! I do have a default from natwest but it shouldn't be there 3 times!

    A barclay loan is there 3 times as settled. It is a settled account but there is only one account not 3!

    and a default with vanquis bank is there 3 times. But each of these 3 accounts are the same account, same balance same date.


    What the heck is going on? Why do I have three of everything that's left? and nothing of my current account, overdraft, current loan and mobile agreement?


    Any help would be appreciated as I just do not get what's happened?

  2. I only joined yesterday and I am having problems with 1st credit too. Although I have never spoken with them personally, as I refused to answer their calls and wrote to them saying all correspondence in writing. But they didn't take the hint and wrote back a week later saying that I hadn't contacted them and so they were going to start legal proceedings. Needles to say I worte right back, reminding them that I will only communicate with them in writing as then I have proof of what has been said.


    I owe what most would consider a small amount but they are ruthless no matter what you owe. I worte to them telling them my financial circumstances are difficult at this time and I made an offer of £10 a month (what I can reasonably afford) I didn't wait for them to write back, I set up a Standing order (not direct debit) straight away, and then requested a receipt to prove they received the funds. They have had two payments off me and yesterday I received a letter from another collections company called Connaughts collections, and thanks to the lovely people here I now know Connaughts are part of 1st credit and they are just trying to scare me into paying the amount in full and trying to get me to ring them so they can bully me.


    I wrote back to connaughts and 1st credit yesterday following the letter I received and told them in no uncertain terms they're being paid £10 because I can't afford anymore and I want an explaination of what they're playing at. If I get another threat of legal action from them I am complaining because these people are despicable.


    I know i've probably been no help. But please don't let them intimidate you, they're not worth it!

  3. Thank you bubbsie1 I haven't actually received a letter to say the debt had been sold. I just assumed that it had. I will have to trawl through my files and see exactly what the first letter I received from 1st credit said.


    I have a pile of letters from them and i've only been in contact with them since December. They are just so full-on.


    Why is it when they are receiving payments regulary, that they are still out to scare the living daylights out of you? I'm paying the money back so what exactly is their problem? I am considering complaining if I receive anymore letters threatening court action, because in my eyes i'm doing everything I can to pay them. Would I be within my rights to do so? and who would I lodge a complaint with, because quite frankly i'm at my wits end with these people.

  4. Thank you so much for your quick response.


    I was shocked, angry and to be honest, really quite worried when I received that letter today. I thought everything was sorted, I had started to calm a little, as believe it or not that £450 weighs heavy on me. I am always worrying about it. I know that sounds daft when people have far larger debts to worry about but to me it's a massive burden I'd rather be without.


    Why have they sent the letter from Connaught Collections? Is it scare tactics? I changed my phone numbers so they couldn't ring me anymore, I used to ignore their calls anyway, but I got fed up of my phone ringing every hour or so!


    Am I right in thiking they can't send round doorstep collectors? I always worry I will have someone knock on my door when I am at home all day with my 2 children, so neendless to say it would make quite an intimidating experience.


    Thank you again.

  5. Hi,


    I was wondering if anyone could maybe help me out? It's my first time posting on here and I could really do with some sound adivce.


    I had a Vanquis credit card back in 2008 and to cut a long story short I now owe £449.51 I had been unable to pay for a while because of financial problems. As far as i'm aware Vanquis sold my debt onto 1st credit and I received my first letter from them Dec 2010.


    Since then they have written to me several times a month (but all within a few days of each other) I sent them a letter in January, saying that I was willing to make a payment of £10 a month as this is all I can reasonably afford at this time and if/when my financial postion changes I shall pay more.


    They sent back a letter thanking me for agreeing to pay off my outstanding debt, and asked me to call their office at my earliest convenience to discuss my offer in detail. I did not ring them!


    A week later I received an odd letter saying because they had not heard from me for a while (7 days to me is not a while) They were considering passing on my debt to a solicitor.


    So I worte to them quoting their letter and I reminded them I had submitted a proposal to pay off the debt at what I could afford, I told them I had set the standing order up personally and they should have already received my first payment and I asked for a receipt to prove they had received the first £10 installment. I also told them I did not wish to communicate via any means other than letters as I have no proof of what has been agreed if I talk over the phone.


    They took 2 weeks to respond, thanking me for agreeing to pay of my debt, and to contact the office at my earliest convenience to discuss the offer further. (De ja vu anyone?) The same day I received a letter titled RECEIPT showing that the payment of £10 had been received.


    I heard nothing for nearly a month, until today.


    Today I have received a letter from Connaught Collections, who, after reading this site seem to be linked with 1st Credit.


    They say: "We are unaware of any reason for payment being witheld, please forward settlement in full to this office within 7 days from the date of this letter. (Today is day 9 and I have only just got this letter.) We should point out that in the event of non settlement Vanquis Bank reserves the right to issue legal proceedings if necessary.


    What on earth are they playing at?


    I have immediately written to both Connaught and 1st Credit, stating that a payment plan is already in place and that is all I can afford. I am unable to pay the balance in full.


    I know the balance is only just under £450 but to me that's alot of money, especially with 2 young children under the age of 3.


    Surely they can't do a CCJ if i'm already trying to pay back what I owe?


    Thank you for reading this and any advice would be more than welcome

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