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Posts posted by juieanne

  1. hello

    i am a single mum of 3 and yesterday i got a letter from b&c complaince operations saying they have reveiwed my claim and have information that another adult lives at my address and assume im part of a couple so this makes my claim as a single claiment false

    if i think its wrong i have to ring them before 13 march or i can get a penalty and overpayments

    I live alone! i have been here 10 weeks! i rent! i told them i moved house. i also filled in a form for child benefit do youngest can stay on at school but that was dwp not tax credits so im asumming they told tax credits i moved? even though i wrote and told them

    anyway i have lived alone since divorce in 2006 im in financial povery i cannnot live without tax credits i dont even put my heating on. i can barely survive and now they want to give me a penalty?

    i just dont understand

    can anyone help me please?

    where would they have got info from? electoral roll? im not on it. could previous tennants name still be listes as living here? i still get mail for previous tennant could that be it?

    how can i prove my innocence?

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