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Posts posted by Clairebearx

  1. Hi all,


    Just an update and a bit of advise if possible. We did as advised and sent the stat dec off asap in March 2011. As we had heard nothing since we thought it had all been sorted. Then a couple of weeks ago we had a letter from the court entitled 'Further Steps Notice' saying we still owed them £352.50. My other half called the court straight away and was told though there were notes on there system saying he was sending in a Stat Dec they never received it! We were told they would put the account on hold (from 10th Feb) for 48 days giving him time to send it in again. After some looking we managed to find the deceleration and was able to both send it recorded delivery (sent 8/3/12 but still not delivered yet!) and he was also able go into the court and hand it to them. But today we have received another Distress Warrant off Philips! Not only do they say we only have 48 hours to pay up or there coming to seize goods (letter dated 12/03 but sent 2nd class so we only received today the 15/03!) but the amount is now £437.50.


    I'm not sure what to do or who to contact. Should I send Philips a letter advising them that were dealing directly with the court and they have got a stat dec from us or should we call the court and ask why were being chased? In any case the lady he spoke to at the court said they were putting the account on hold for 48 days so we can send the dec into them so surely it should still be on hold until the 22/3? I mean now we've given in the stat dec should they still be coming to seize goods? If they do it will just be me here by myself and though i wont let them in i dread the thought of them coming round at all!


    Any thoughts would be great x

  2. This parking ticket is almost certainly for a local authority that have not yet opted for "decriminalsed parking". This is where a police officer and NOT a traffic warden issue parking tickets. Therefore, the matter is classed as "criminal" as opposed to a civil offence.


    Amazing, I didn't know Police issued tickets at all! The info I've picked up from here over the last few days has been really interesting not to mention VERY, VERY helpfully! I'm so gratefully forums and sites like this exist to give those petrified few help and guidance!

  3. OMG after trying since Friday we've just managed to get through and find out what its for! Apparently it's a parking ticket issued by Thames Magistrates in 2008. They said they'd been sending letters to his old address which is why this is the first we've heard. Strangely though the old address is his mothers and she's had nothing come through for him at all and it's for a vehicle he scraped back in 2006!! To be honest it's up to him to deal with the scrapped car part of it, I just want the bailiffs out of it!

  4. No, i agree it's defiantly the bailiffs that are the slimly ones, not the court. Everything i've read so far says when you are able to get hold of the courts they are very helpful and from the little dealings i've had with DCA's and bailiffs i've learnt you cant trust them what so ever!


    So in order for us to pay the fine only and NOT the bailiff charges i need to send off a Statutory Declaration and get it back into the courts hands? I take it if we were to pay the bailiff for the amount for the fine only they may keep that as there charges and not pay the courts?

  5. Fork-it, that's what i saw this morning. Thanks for that, I knew I wasn't going completely mad!


    How the hell can they still be putting 'fees' on things if there not supposed to? Do they think because they work for the courts there above the law and can extort more money out of you and get away with it? So I can simply say I'm not paying any of there extra charges then?

  6. Thank you all so much. I spent 3 hours this morning reading all I could find on this forum to do with Philips or distress warrant's and what they 'think' they can do and it all made my head spin (the valium probably didn't help either!) I was sure a Statutory Declaration was the way to go but didn't want to waste any precious time in case it wasn't but now we'll send that brilliant and very helpful template off asap!!


    The only thing he can think of is when his father died he went to register the death and came out to find a parking ticket, with it being the day after his dad passed he put it to the side but subsequently forgot all about it. We'll find out if it's that for sure.


    As for the £75 charge for sending us a letter informing us of the warrant, is that correct and shouldn't they have explained in the second letter what the increase was for instead of just sending exactly the same letter as the first but with a different amount? I read on one or two of the other posts they should only be asking for the fine amount and can only charge me extra if they actually remove and sell any items.

  7. Hi everyone,


    Hopefully someone can help me with this as it's really upsetting me. My boyfriend and i got back yesterday after being away for 3 days and found 2 letters for him from 'Philips'. They say they have been instructed by someone called North East London after a non-payment of a magistrates court fee and have sent us a 'Notice Of Distress Warrant'. My boyfriend called Philips immediately as he has no idea what this could be about. Philip's said it's something from 2008 but they didn't know what the fine was for and we would have to contact the courts to find out but in the meantime don't be surprised if a bailiff came calling that night or tonight. This in itself scares me as he's off working away for a couple of days I'm alone in the house and Philips told him that they can force entry whether we liked it or not!!!!


    Also the two letters received are absolutely identical apart from the money that's owed. One letter states £352.50 and the second £427.50. These came within 3 days of each other so he asked why the price was different and they said its a £75 charge for sending out the first letter!! Does this mean we'll get another letter charging us £75 for the second letter, then another £75 for that letter and so on, can they do that because where would it stop?!


    He's been trying to contact the courts today to at least see what its for etc but were having no luck getting through, he'll keep trying.


    I feel sick to the stomach and can't stop worrying. What if they come round and force entry while i'm here alone? I'm currently seeking care for depression and i can't tell you how sick this is making me.


    Please any advice at all would be appreciated.

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