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Posts posted by MattPop

  1. I bought a MotherBoard from overclockers (OC) before. It was faulty, did not work at all. I sent it back recorded delivery and it was signed for by a guy named Barry. Didn't hear anything or get a refund despite following their returns procedure (I wanted a replacement). I phoned them and said they never received it! I mentioned 'Barry', they said there was no barry working there. My Father phoned from a different number and asked to speak to 'Barry' who was more than happy to take his call! The situation was explained to the manager who back tracked VERY quickly, and I received a working product of slightly higher spec that the original item.


    Moral of the story? Overclockers are a bunch of lying B##tards. Give them hell and they'll come right, but they'll deny any responsibility at first.


    Good luck with the refund, I agree with other the other opinions, a full refund should be expected. (Demanded...)

  2. So what happened here? I know it's an old thread but I'm in similair strife with Soll leisure and CRS.


    I stopped going to the gym under advisement from my physio after I injured my back in the gym, I'd been paying for over 18 months, I also proceeded to keep paying for many months after I stopped attending. I eventually just cancelled the direct debit (exactly the same as I did with Fitness First when I left them). Eventually I got a letter asking for the 3 months membership fees as this is the notice period, I argued in writing and over the phone, they conceeded that the 3 month notice period came into being after I joined and I only needed to pay for 1 month (£35?). They contacted me about this and I stated again, as I had before, that I accept this as long as they send me a copy of my membership contract/agreement, as I couldn't remember ever having/signing one. They said they would be in touch. I didn't hear anything for almost a year, until I got a letter from CRS asking for over £100! Here we go again...


    I went straight to the local sports centre to speak to the person involved in memberships to again explain the situation, and request a copy of my contract. They said they would dig it out and get back to me (Deja Vu...) It's been two weeks, I've heard nothing apart from another letter from CRS.

    When I went into the gym a fortnight ago, I did mention that I've been advised to seek compensation from the gym for my initial injury, It required surgery and has left me with permanent pain/ impaired mobility. This may be of little consequence until you factor in that when I joined, they're supposed to give an aquaint of the gym, with a fitness assesment so they can see how fit and strong you are and give a tailored workout programme, while showing you the correct techniques for using the equipment safely. They did not. They took my address and bank details, took me membership fee (of course...) and handed me a membership card. Nothing else...


    Not only is the evidence for these charges missing (the membership contract), they're on thin ice regarding an injury compensation claim!


    You'd think they'd get their arses in gear???


    I'm still willing to sort this out reasonably and allow the whole thing to disappear, but if they won't even contact me to say what's happening, leaving me to go in and sort it all out, I think I might stop playing the nice guy...


    Surely, if they can't provide me with a copy of this membership contract, I can claim back all my gym membership costs from them?

  3. I received a 'PCN' from UKPC on the 22/02/2011 for parking within the lines of my own designated parking bay... right outside my house!!! (I rent it...) Lots of other residents in my street also got a lovely yellow envelope, it's a private road used solely for residents parking. None of the residents had a permit and no one knows how to obtain one!!


    I immediately appealed online to no avail (I didn't read the forums beforehand) and spoke to both companies on the phone yesterday, UKPC directed me to Parking Collection Services Limited (No s**t they're limited...) who said I had to pay and any questions are to be answered by UKPC because they issued the PCN!

    I'm now kicking myself for getting so worked up about it.




    All the best ignoring these con artists!

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