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Posts posted by BPJD

  1. So is it worth my while paying off the defaults.



    I worked out I can clear them all in 3 years affordably contributing equally to each.



    It is that or just let them fall off my file.



    Either way am I correct in understanding my credit will not change for 6 years from the defaults?

  2. Hi all, not posted here for years!


    So I've been working away an being young have neglected my credit as I've always been disinterested.


    Now I'm home and settling down I have decided to pull my Experian Credit Report.


    It is DIRE!


    My score is 141 which translates as VERY Poor!


    I have a total current debt of £4315.00





    The RBS is being paid at £50 a month at the moment. But


    I'm currently tracking down details to contact the other companies or the agencies handling the debts.


    I want these clearing ASAP so I can get my credit back on track.


    I thought a good way of doing this would be with a debt consolidation loan.


    Tesco have refused me already however a company called Aspire has 'Accepted Me'

    I am to wait for a phone call.


    What are the odds of this coming through? And how would you suggest I manage these debts to get my report better?


    I am working at the moment, I just jumped into a shift job with a family member, Making anything between £800 - £1500 a month depending on shifts.


    Any help would be appreciated greatly!


    I am supporting my Girlfriend and could do with a credit boost here and there,

    so far the only people who have given me a chance are Vanquis and I am managing the card very well.

  3. I purchased a voucher off 'Barclays Bespoke offers' for a video camera on ebuydeal.


    I paid for express delivery and 3 weeks later still hasn't arrived.


    I've sent 3 emails and finally received an email with a tracking number but with no delivery service mentioned and no where to track it on their site.


    The company seems to be based in India, their twitter is virtually none existent and they provide no phone number.


    I contacted bespoke offers and was telephones by a rep who offered me a refund on the voucher + £5 for inconvenience.

    (She however contacted me off an unavailable number, and asked for my card details I used to pay with instead of acc num and sort code, which struck me as strange, I'm usually very savvy with these things but I took it at face value as it was Barclays)

    However how will I go about getting my £16 for the delivery I paid to ebuydeal direct.


    Sorry if this seems fragmented, I am working atm.

  4. I am currently in arrears with Wonga, £200, simply through procrastinating with payments etc.

    I cannot take out another Wonga or any other payday loan. However recently strange things have been happening with my credit situation.


    I have just been accepted by American Express for a Gold preferred rewards card.

    I have been accepted by T-Mobile for 2 lines with free top range handsets (galaxy s2)

    I have been accepted by Capital one for a Secured card having to pay a security fee on £49


    At the same time.


    I have been turned down for an Overdraft with my bank RBS.

    I have also been turned down for a new current account with Barclays

    Any Short term loan company also rejects me.


    I'm very confused...


    Also what will happen to my credit rating once I finally pay off Wonga...

  5. So here's the details you asked for. Sketchy at best as I'm doing this post on families behalf.

    Orange were owed £180.00, They passed on the debt to 'Northern Debt Recovery' which I have been told are Orange (not sure of the accuracy of this).

    My Mother called 'Northern Debt Recovery' and it was suggested she organize a payment plan and pay what she can afford; £50.00 every two weeks was agreed and a payment of £50.00 was made immediately. My Mother took the operators name and was prepared to pay another installment two weeks later.

    Upon ringing the company to make the second payment, My Mother was told that the first person she had spoke to had put on the system that the FULL amount was promised and not the arranged £50.00.

    An argument ensued naturally and the people she spoke to were rude and threatening and conveniently the first phone call was 'not recorded' so it's word against word. And there is now no payment plan set-up.

  6. Hey guys.


    I e-mailed the bosses like you suggested. Shortly after the same night I e-mailed, I got back a very co-operative response with a very affordable payment plan attached.


    Thanks alot for everyones advice.


    This site has proved to be an invaluable resource!




    Kind Regards BPJD

  7. Hello, I posted a few days ago seeking advice however got one response which was not helpful at all. I'm hoping this time to get more responses.


    On 24th November, I took out a Wonga loan for £100.00 it was for an immediate cost, and I know I was stupid to do it, but everyone is entitled to a mistake or two. Due to cashflow problems I have had to roll over the loan and it was due on March 1st, I recieved an e-mail saying I could have extended again but cash is that bad I couldn't even afford that.


    I owed £206.26 on the 1st March and now £20 has been added to that for failed collection. They sent me another e-mail asking me to get in touch and pay, problem is I can't, not until I sort my finances out, which is I don't know when.


    I am self-employed and having an absolute nightmare with invoices and money collection. This is affecting my personal health a lot and my partner has also recently had an operation so I'm trying to give her as much time as possible.


    They only have my personal phone number which is the same as my work and funnily enough the phone is broken! So they can only reach me by E-Mail.


    What do I do? Any advice is welcome. Please Help!

  8. Hello.


    I took out a wonga loan of £100 in December time for late unexpected expenses which due to circumstances has been rolled over a few times and is now £204. I know this is my fault. But I suppose it happens.


    I got an e-mail off them this morning notifying me of failed collection, that I must pay full amount today or roll it over. If I don't they will incur a charge for failed collection. I cannot afford to do either. I have 4 bank accounts, so whatever they try to take won't come out but they will still charge and I can imagine my bank will still charge!


    My money situation is terrible at the moment. I had to leave my regiment of the armed forces due to an injury and the only thing I could do in the mean time was to work for myself or through various mates in the same industry which is fine although currently I'm having big trouble with an invoice.


    I intent to return to my unit later this month but this Wonga company has got me tearing my hair out and I can't keep focused.


    Either way they won't be getting paid today as I can't afford it and my partners having an operation and I'm going for when she wakes up.


    They only have my mobile number (which isn't working) and my work phone, which will be off.


    I'm just looking for immediate advice. Thank you much



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