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Posts posted by molliemoo060304

  1. hello

    I have lived with my children alone for nearly three years (working but getting council tax benefit due to low income)but allowed my ex-partner (the father of my kids) to occasionly use it as a postal address as he has been working all around the country and was never settled long enough for it to be worth him keep changing his mail. Now his work has become more local he has moved in with his mum and registered as living there. He tells me he has spoken to the council today and they needed his previous address so he explained about moving around due to work comittments, they asked him where he post was sent and he of course gave my address, he says now the council have told him that as he was contactable at my address that he officially lived here. I really do not want a 2 and a half year council tax bill or worse still a fraud conviction, i was only trying to do him a favour, please help!!!

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