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Posts posted by anyt

  1. Have you tried to claim ESA again? a rapid reclaim i think it's called. Always send stuff to them recorded delivery and get names of people you speak to. You cant claim JSA as you and your doctor dont think you are fit to work. What i would do is try claiming ESA immediatly (there is no harm in trying) and send a sick note in aswell to cover you. If they say anything about you failing to attend the medical just play dumb.

    You should have just done what they did to you and said you never got an appointent letter it must have got lost in the post etc.

    I also suffer from depression so i know what your going through.

  2. Hi, i read the sticky regarding ESA appealing and couldn't find and answer to my question. Basically i failed my WCA for severe depression and appealed the decision and the DWP sent me load of paperwork saying the will not change it. So now i am going the tribunal route but the information in the sticky says i will continue to get ESA at the assesment rate but doesn't state if i will get paid as usuall every two weeks or ONLY if i win the appeal at the tribunal. If the answer is the latter, what am i supposed to live on while i am waiting to go to the appeal?

    Can anyone help with this question please

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