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gavin thomas

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Posts posted by gavin thomas

  1. spoke to BH today and they give me a figure to what they want, 4850.00 from the glasses guide on the net. now i done the excate same check when i got home and got the price of 4300 ! now i have taken to prices of all the things i have put back on the car to get it back standard and that totals 657.40


    i do still have a door to replace which is going to cost me roughly 500 - 600 quid. i qouted them 150 earlier today but i didnt think the item would cost that much from a dealer. so im not to sure it they think im tryin to have them over...... i swear im not , im just being honest to the best i can be..


    i really want the car. now if they agree to the price iv offered can i pay them in installments? nothing silly , say like 1k a month? just im not made of money and i have read on other forms that you can pay at reduced rates, but like iv said iv never done nothing like this before....

  2. the car is only worth £4300 book by traders, now i have maintained this and bought all the new parts relavent to get the car back to a standard similar to how it come from a dealers, im very fussy as i keep a tidy car. some of these item i got from mate in the motor trade cheap but now recipts and other i have like ebay etc. will BH take that into consideration if i want the car ? i did ask them what they would be looking at to buy it of them but they said i had to make the offer 1st, if its there car shouldnt they give me a price then banter on that ?

  3. Well I have found the previous owner, I have all the info needed to located him including phone numbers, I have paid for this and willing to give or take BH to him as he has moved house from where he took out the finance. The thing is I can't get my old car back as it has changed hands 4 times! Is there nothing in the hire purchase act that states a deal other than purchase?

  4. evening people,




    i am stuck in this situation, i done a deal with a chap from rochdale in a swap deal ( car for car) my car was a high proformance car and his was a diesel and the deal worked both ways for us.

    now 8 months down the line i get a letter from black horse say i have to pay 10K or give the car back to them, even though the car is not worth that.

    now iv been doing my home work. iv located the chap i done the deal with but the car i swapped has changed hands roughly 4 time since then. and lucky enough every one i spoke too that had the car so far has been very helpful in giving info to me on the previous owners. i have even fond the chap i done the deal with on facebook and requested friendship with him but he keeps deniying me. so i know his still around. but all this i have found out in the week of finding out the car was on a hp agreement! so in theroy i have done more work than the finance company in trying to find the person they done the deal with. i have all the info wrote down and the HP company has given me extended time while i make my investgations also ( strange i thought, but good for me)


    any help will be greatly appiciated !


    thanks in advance



  5. evening people,


    after reading this i know how some of the people feel.


    i am also stuck in this situation, i done a deal with a chap from rochdale in a swap deeal ( car for car) my car was a high proformance car and his was a diesel and the deal worked both ways for us.

    now 8 months down the line i get a letter from black horse say i have to pay 10K or give the car back to them, even though the car is not worth that.

    now iv been doing my home work. iv located the chap i done the deal with but the car i swapped has changed hands roughly 4 time since then. and lucky enough every one i spoke too that had the car so far has been very helpful in giving info to me on the previous owners. i have even fond the chap i done the deal with on facebook and requested friendship with him but he keeps deniying me. so i know his still around. but all this i have found out in the week of finding out the car was on a hp agreement! so in theroy i have done more work than the finance company in trying to find the person they done the deal with. i have all the info wrote down and the HP company has given me extended time while i make my investgations also ( strange i thought, but good for me)


    any help will be greatly appiciated !


    thanks in advance



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