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Posts posted by Charlie36

  1. That is the issue I have found with a lot of people on this forum, they did not have the chance to defend/challenge themselves, as others have have been told they have been sent forms etc that they too had not received by the MIB. I never received anything previously from MIB either, no forms, nothing and others on here have had their case closed by the MIB because of this. Perhaps I should post this in the legal section or can this be moved by admin to the legal section?

  2. Do the MID keep records that far back or is it just current insurance? If I sold the vehicle years back would it tell me that I had insurance at that time or if the vehicle has insurance now with the new owner?? After reading a few posts in the legal section there are a number of people in the same boat. Am I not innocent until proven guilty? I just dont see how the extent of the repairs would have been caused by my bumping into the vehicle and not even being able to see any damage, how can they prove it that many years back? I feel like someone is trying to make more money out of it than it was, and at my expense.

  3. Not everybody keeps every single piece of paperwork that they gain in their life, what more can I do than phone the insurance company to be told they have no record???


    Mwynci, they have now sent me copies of letters they are claiming to have sent previously but I have honestly never seen them before, i didnt take photos or anything, there was hardly any damage at all, thats why I am surprised at the amount they are trying to claim. There was no damage to my vehicle whatsoever. I sold the vehicle the same year.

  4. No it is not a habit Mywnci, I didnt have the vehicle for very long and the insurance company I thought I had insurance with has no record of it!! There was no clear visible damage to either vehicle to warrant the amount they are claiming, thats why I use the term "accident" very lightly. I am not paying out for something that they cannot prove I caused major damage to.

  5. I was involved in an "accident" a couple of years ago whereby I literally "bumped" the vehicle infront, hardly any damage was caused but I did give my name. There were no witnesses, no-one was hurt and no police etc called. I cannot remember if I had insurance, I did contact who I thought it was with but they have no record. I have been receiving letters from MIB and a debt collection agency demanding in the region of couple of thousand for repairs to the vehicle. I did send them an email stating that I believe the claim to be fraudulent etc etc as I have read on this site previously. They have now responded with a letter stating that they had written to me a couple of years ago (I have never seen these letters - though they have now enclosed copies) and that they are completely satisfied I was involved in the accident and was at fault and cannot find a valid insurance policy, they passed the file to the recovery department to pursue the monies paid out. They are re-instructing Close Credit now. How can they prove that, (1) I was at the scene, and (2) that the damage did total the cost they are saying when there was hardly any damage.

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