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Posts posted by vickywil5

  1. The men that came out seen the problems with it, but if I have to wait while they find a suitable replacement if it can't be fixed and I keep having to pay then I am going to see a solicitor, as I am not paying for something I am not getting use of, even though they said I have to still pay as I am still buying the tv, but the tv we had is 47 inch and the loaner they gave us is 32 inch(even though I was told I wouldn't get one less than 42 inch) so they can't swap it for that one, but it has been over 2 weeks now, if it isn't sorted in about 1 week or 2 at most I will go to my solicitor.

  2. I got a tv off PH in Dec 08, and have paid almost £2000 (almost died of shock when I added it up) anyway a white dot appeared on the screen and also a coloured line down the front of the tv, so I booked it in to get fixed, and was told it could take upto 2 weeks for them to find out if it can be fixed or not.

    So phones them today (after the two weeks) and they said they still hadn't found out if it can be fixed, I asked what would happen if it couldn't be fixed, and was told they would find another tv around 2 years old same size(47inch) and pref same make, as they only give you a replacement tv.

    Now I know we have had our tv for two years, but it is in perfect condition other than the problem and we are the only ones that have had it, but they are saying we have to have one someone else has had for two years and has been sent back to the shop, but I don't want a tv someone else has had, so if it can't be fixed can I get a refund instead of a replacement?? Does anyone know, as I would like to know before they phone and if they do say it can't be fixed at least I will know my rights.



  3. I got a tv off PH in around Jan 08, and moved in Nov 08, the week we moved in we were out and got burgled, and the tv stolen, we had the coverplus and the tad so when I told them the tv had been stolen they told me to come in to the shop and pick a new tv, which I did. Anyway I said to them would the payments from the other tv come off the price of the new one as I had paid about £700-£800, he said no I would have to start the payments from the start again, which I have been doing, but then a family member told me they should of took the payments off, as with her house insurance if she has anything that is rental or on hire purchase and it is stolen they give her the full amount for a new item then she just carries on paying what she owes on the item and whatever is over from the insurance is hers.

    So does anyone know should of I had to make payments from the start again or got the money knocked off my new tv???

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